Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls... Allow me to introduce to you the ultimate Outpost 2 game of chance... Bomber's Big Blast!
The objective of the game is simple: have the last Command Center standing. Simple, right? Well, not so much. You see, there are five vehicles. One of them, when destroyed, will detonate a bomb, resulting in your Command Center being destroyed!

Now, since it wouldn't be much of a game if you didn't do anything, you must destroy one of the vehicles each turn. After that, your turn will end and it will be the next poor fool's job to hope he doesn't pick the detonator. If nobody triggers the bomb, all vehicles are respawned and the turn begins again.
Of course, if the detonator is destroyed, well...

Each time the bomb has been triggered, the number of available vehicles decreases by one, and your odds of surviving fall with it!
Now, while this is currently completely playable, there are still a few features I'd like to add, so stay tuned everyone!