Author Topic: A Few Ideas....  (Read 2199 times)

Offline Spikerocks101

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A Few Ideas....
« on: November 19, 2008, 02:59:21 PM »
I play Outpost 2 enough that I think something’s should be added or changed. I’m sorry if these ideas are up there, but I really haven’t seen many. Well, here are my ideas for things in outpost 2 that could be added or changed or something:

Build Quees: Probably already mentioned but they would be nice to have, ESPECIALLY WITH THE VECHILE FACTORY.

Stealth Scouts: This was a kind of a big idea I had for a while about putting greater use for Scouts and Light Towers. A Stealth Scout would not be invisible, but would not be automatically attacked by enemies unless a Scout/Light Tower sees them. When built, they look like a Scout of yours, but what you can do is (when there farther from your base), transform them (with a button I guess) to look like an enemy scout (maybe a little crane comes out like the ones you see when building a building), and now you Stealth Scout looks like an enemies Scout. Then, you can move your Stealth Scout through your enemy’s base and the enemy won't attack unless they see your unit with a Scout or Light Tower. You can move you stealth scout beside enemy’s buildings and it will do something (maybe options like leave a Drone to spy or make the build inactive for a long period of time) and possibly destroy it self or just for maybe 5 seconds look “uncloak” and gives you enemy a chance to destroy it. That’s my idea on Stealth Scouts.

More abilities for Scouts: Just think if maybe scouts could also do things like:
   Radar Jamming: Make the area of which a Scout can see (lit up) so you can hide an advancing army
   Steel Research: When you move a Scout beside a enemy building, you can possibly see a list of things they researched and steel one, maybe make it take the amount of scientists required for that tech X 10s to give the enemy a chance of destroying the Scout.
   Drone: Like I said in the Stealth Scout section, a Drone might be able to enter an enemy building and spy on it for a long period of time, maybe when you click on the enemy build the Drone infiltrated, you could choose something like “Kill Worker/Scientist”, “Stop Research/Production”, “Cause Long-term Problems” like make the buildings power turn off or make it think its not connected to the Command Center, “Stop Function Of Building” like make power plants stop working or even a Command Center to shut down, and maybe “Destroy Piping Around The Building”.
   Mines: Simple, Scouts can lay either EMP mines or light explosives.

Plant mines with Robo-Surveyors: All I’m saying is maybe Robo-Surveyors can plant EMP mines or light explosives.

Satellite Missile Launcher (SML): I know this will start to get unfair, but it would be nice to be able to launch missiles towards New-Terra from space. They could be really power (destroy an enemy army), be really expensive, require a special building, and only can attack units with in Light Tower or Scouts view making it really hard for you to target an enemy except to take out base defences.

Steel Research: Back to my Scout idea, scouts could maybe steel “Special Techs” like, when the enemy researches the tech for Acid Clouds, you could upgrade your ESG’s with Acid Cloud explosives, making the EXTREMLY DEADLY!

Worker Training Center (WTC): I want to kind of extend the Univercity so that it doesn’t just make scientists.  I want it so a buildings productivity also depends on its workers, like if you have a Structure Factory, maybe a regular worker take 5 seconds for 100 points of construction. I want to make a WTC, a building that can train workers to become better workers, so that same 100 point construction, only take 3 seconds, saving time. Also, you could maybe train robot workers, that would make that 100 point construction take 10 seconds. So regular worker/scientist = 1x, trained work = 1.5x, robot = 0.5x.

Those are my ideas for things and such. Maybe they can go towards OP3? :P

Offline Sirbomber

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A Few Ideas....
« Reply #1 on: November 19, 2008, 05:53:52 PM »
Queues have been suggested at least 994987348907 times now.  "Stealth" or "invisible" units, 5379354 times.  Special abilities for Scouts... we'll say a lot.  Uber-rigged space-based death rays, too many times to count.  Stealing research, at least 147 times.  "Special" colonists, maybe a few dozen times.  They're all impossible because we can't just add units to OP2.  They're all bad ideas because, well, look 'em up if you want detailed reasons.  But I'll give you a brief overview:

VF Queues: Fine, maybe this one isn't too bad.

Stealth Units: All you have to do is spam them and ram them into an enemy's base.  Gives a whole new level of suckage to Scout Rushing.

Special Scout Abilities: Scouts are not combat vehicles.  They shouldn't drop mines or steal research or magically kill enemy colonists.  And radar jamming, in a game where you can normally see everything on the map, is awfully suspicious.  Same for Surveyors planting mines.

Death Rays: God I hate you.  Death rays serve no purpose in games other than to provide a meaningless "wow" factors to make the game look cooler and glorify the designers.

Stealing Research: Eden is Eden.  Plymouth is Plymouth.  Let's not mix and match 'em just because you like "cool stuff" that really just makes the game's already bad balance worse.

Super Workers: Instead of making super workers, why don't you just concentrate on keeping your regular workers alive longer?  Besides, not very realistic.  Who would want to work twice as hard for no apparent reason, just because they get this "special" designation?

Anyways, I think that has been the general sentiment among most people on these issues.  Though if you try to defend your death ray idea I will find you and hurt you.
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Offline Hooman

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A Few Ideas....
« Reply #2 on: November 19, 2008, 05:58:12 PM »
Heh, and I was just thinking of saying I'll leave this one for Sirbomber.  

Offline Spikerocks101

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A Few Ideas....
« Reply #3 on: November 19, 2008, 08:55:49 PM »

okay, okay, don't go Nazi on me you evil person. It was just an idea, don't get mad, I, like many others, like changes, and, well, YOU, through all the time I have known you, said to express my ideas on the forums because you said those ideas ere okay, so don't get mad of listening to you...

Offline Tellaris

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A Few Ideas....
« Reply #4 on: November 20, 2008, 12:37:11 AM »
You'll find most people (Including myself) will generally oppose major changes to the game. Its a unique idea, of its own merit. You change it... its just not op2. Additionally, op2 is one of the hardest games to mod unless you have a significant understanding of C+ minimum, as well as the knowledge and ability to hex edit. Most don't have the free time, or the knowledge, or the willing, to do this work for you. Short of rewriting the entire game, there is no easy way around this.
Because of the way the game is coded, adding units is extremely difficult, far too difficult to be worth the time in most people's minds. Ask Hooman for details, but even if you had the knowledge that Hooman does, I doubt you'd want to do the work to add units either.
The problem with adding things just because they're cool is that they usually either really unbalance the game, don't make sense, are worthless to gameplay, or just plain suck. I don't see much that got added to a game just for cool factor alone that didn't suck. Now, if you can balance all that out, then all the power to you.
Without a way to detect them, stealth units are overpowering. Its whoever can get one first and then wipe out an enemy cc. And even then, how will you ever get that to fit into op2? Hiding during the day on radar, thats not TOO bad. Hiding them visibly? Now thats just dumb.

As well, none of this are ment to be particularly mean, or to insult you. Its that your ideas just don't really fit into the game. (I can only speak for myself, not for Bomber)
« Last Edit: November 20, 2008, 12:38:42 AM by Tellaris »
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Offline Sirbomber

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A Few Ideas....
« Reply #5 on: November 20, 2008, 06:13:16 AM »
I was only being mean when he suggested death rays.  The rest was a summary/compilation of previous criticisms of similar suggestions taken from memory.
"As usual, colonist opinion is split between those who think the plague is a good idea, and those who are dying from it." - Outpost Evening Star

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Offline CK9

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A Few Ideas....
« Reply #6 on: December 05, 2008, 10:36:59 AM »
The only change to the game i think most people here liked the idea of was the queueing.  However, as has been said, it's near impossible to edit the coding to include new things like this.
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