Author Topic: Unofficial Outpost 2 Releases  (Read 1770 times)

Offline Hooman

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Unofficial Outpost 2 Releases
« on: September 25, 2008, 10:36:20 PM »
So I've been digging around in old forum posts, and looking through backed up files on discs, and have been trying to find all the unofficial releases from this site. I'm trying to track some of the changes that have happened here over the years. Mind you, my file collection seems to be incomplete, and not everything was named with a release number, so it's a bit hard to piece this all together. If anyone has old release files or remembers something, it'd be much appreciated.

I believe I'm missing the 1.3.2 update, so I'm particularly interested in that one. Some of the other's I'm guessing on. I'm also really not sure about the first few updates.

Here's what I'm guessing at (dates and versions are of Outpost2.exe): - Official Sierra release
-------- - (4/1/2004) [Maybe, date predates next release] [Still marked as] Final - (9/6/2004) [Still marked as] [I have a patch, not a full download]  [aka "finial" ;)] - (???) [missing this one]  [opu4op2dl.exe/] - (10/18/2004)
-------- R2 - (10/19/1997)  [Yeah, I know the date is funny]

Notable changes:
  (no idea anymore)
  - No-CD crack that didn't hurt people who actually owned a CD (as opposed to the old no-CD crack that made music and movies stop working unless they were copied to the hard drive)
  - Nat fix (early version that hardcoded your external IP into the exe file)
  - Cheats removed
  - Split Maps.vol? (or previous release?)
  - Added op2ext.dll (or previous release?)
  - New Nat fix
  - Added /loadmod
  - Added a ChangeLog.txt! (great idea!)

Probably the most important find was in the ChangeLog.txt:
"* The update was recompiled from scratch, using a CD based install."

I guess that means we don't need to look too far back when considering updates for future versions. :)

I also found some old map packs. *shudders at the horrors*.

Offline Sirbomber

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Unofficial Outpost 2 Releases
« Reply #1 on: September 26, 2008, 07:02:37 AM »
You forgot 1.3.4 R1.
Also, I know that one of them (either 1.3.3 or 1.3.4 R1) added Black to the list of usable colors, which caused a lot of problems.
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Offline Hooman

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Unofficial Outpost 2 Releases
« Reply #2 on: September 26, 2008, 11:56:21 AM »
Considering I mentioned the R2 part, yeah, I'm aware of R1. I'm just taking that stance that R1 doesn't really count, since it was a hastily put together buggy release that was quickly replaced by R2. Consider it a beta release or something rather than the real release. :P

Hmm, I don't suppose those map packs were considered the earlier releases? They mostly just added hex edited DLLs that changed the default map to another built in one. They usually had lots of problems, like lava on non-lava terrain.