Author Topic: Last Plymoth Mission  (Read 2301 times)

Offline Vexhare

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« on: August 12, 2008, 11:46:32 PM »
I cannot seem to get it to where my people do not starve.  I have tried slowing down the time and micromanaging it and everything.  There just seems to be a problem!  Anyone help?


Offline Hidiot

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« Reply #1 on: August 13, 2008, 03:22:36 AM »
Build agridomes?
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Offline Sirbomber

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« Reply #2 on: August 13, 2008, 09:30:12 AM »
Build agridomes?
Beautifully said, Hidiot.
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Offline docwho83

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« Reply #3 on: August 13, 2008, 09:49:48 PM »

Ok what version of OP2? (I ask only due to the fact I have now seen oh 5 og them in the last few days.) NetPatch with or without unit mod. Hidiot help me out here on where to pull the files for the most upto date version of the files.

What is your population at the start of the mission.?

also we could try this. Not sure if my version will run your save but zip or rar the save file and post it to the forum in your next post. I am sure there is a way if all eles failes post the zip/rar to megeupload and post the link here.

Hope to be of help,

Offline Highlander

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« Reply #4 on: August 14, 2008, 02:17:50 AM »
Unless he wants to cheat his way out of this, game version won't really matter I think. (And was there ever a cheat for food ?)

Vexhare, like Hidiot pointed out, if your starving, you need more agridomes.

I don't know if food and population #'s gets transferred from the previous mission, or if you always start with a set amount of both. (I'm sure someone here can answer this though?) If stuff gets transferred from the previous mission, it might be worth replaying it ?

Otherwise I can only recommend turning the game speed down, and build agridomes as fast as you can.

Best of luck.
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Offline Hidiot

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« Reply #5 on: August 14, 2008, 03:44:13 AM »
I know researches do get carried on.

I'm not sure about the food or ores though. You're told to keep x thousands stored (or in trucks) to just pass missions, so you generally start with what your previous goal made you to have. They do evac with Trucks, you know :)

DocWho... You don't need any changes to your game to pass the campaign mode, which is completely single-player :-"

Netfix is for multi player and unit limit is for fun or for playing in multi player with people who also use it.
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Offline Tellaris

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« Reply #6 on: August 14, 2008, 04:36:34 PM »
Alright, the problem with this mission is in previous missions you were expected to manage your population and keep it from ballooning to unmanageable levels. The only way to do that is to occasionally idle the nursery, and make sure you're a good 50-75 people over the objective total population for the mission. Basically, if you end the 2nd last mission with a population greater then I think about 350, you simply don't get enough food in the last mission to survive. You will starve. Its kind of a point of no return deal. You can't build agridomes fast enough to cover your deficit. Unfortunately, if you've done this, theres only three options. Cheat, start over from the beginning, or hope you have a save from the beginning of the previous mission. Otherwise, you're hooped for this one.
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Offline Hooman

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« Reply #7 on: August 14, 2008, 04:45:34 PM »
In Plymouth mission 12, the food stored is set to either 1000, or 3000, depending on difficulty.

However, if the level doesn't specifically set it, I think I've seen some code that suggests it will get carried over from the previous mission. But this is irrelevant for this mission, since the mission does set it.

The level also sets the amount of ore and rare ore stored. What's interesting though, is the population. If the number of workers is 0, then it sets your population to 48 workers, 32 scientists, and 80 kids, as well as setting your tech level to 11.

In other words, your population seems to carry over. If you had a large population in the last mission, then you'll probably starve pretty quick. If building agridomes as fast as you can just doesn't do it, then try replaying the last mission, and manage your population. If you have too many people, take your nursery offline for a while. Also, if you're about to starve, you can also try idling non-essential buildings (i.e., not the agridomes), and seeing if they stay operational while the rest of your colony starves. That might allow just the right amount of people to starve off while the agridomes stay active to support the survivors. I've noticed that when you starve, agridome workers often die and take those buildings offline, leading to further rounds of starvation.

Btw, none of the patches would affect this at all. It really doesn't matter what version you're using.

Offline Highlander

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« Reply #8 on: August 14, 2008, 05:11:33 PM »
Idle what you can do without, and make sure you keep Nursury, Med. Centers and most importantly Agridomes active :)
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Offline Vexhare

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« Reply #9 on: August 14, 2008, 10:44:03 PM »
I appreciate the replies and all information is useful however I did want to state, I am not a bloody moron I built agridomes I just ended up watching my scientists all starve to death too fast.  I finally got past this by setting the speed to 1 and managing it hardcore over and over until I got past it.  Just as an aside, because I am feeling particularly sarcastic myself,  I appreciate the sarcasm from Hidiot and Sirbomber it really helped me through those tough times.

Offline Hidiot

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« Reply #10 on: August 15, 2008, 04:37:40 AM »
I'm sorry, but it's really the first thing that comes to mind...
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Offline Tellaris

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« Reply #11 on: August 16, 2008, 12:57:34 AM »
Nice solution, I did not think of that.

However, you should also note, as far as I know codewise (And I don't) apparently people eat less when they have nothing to do. I don't think Hooman ever verified this though.
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Offline Hooman

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« Reply #12 on: August 16, 2008, 03:16:00 AM »
Hmm, I've never even heard of that. Although, I suspect it's false. I'm pretty sure I've read through code that consumes food, and I don't remember seeing anything like that.

I do know morale can affect food production though. The higher your morale, the more food you should produce. You can check morale.txt to see how much. Although, that would mean you should try to keep people occupied, since idle workers contributes to unhappiness, and that would lower food production.

Hmm..., maybe I should post on food consumption.