Author Topic: Random Ideas.........!  (Read 2892 times)

Offline Zardox Xheonov

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Random Ideas.........!
« on: August 05, 2008, 08:04:31 PM »
(1)In-game Garbage:

I was thinking, where does all the garbage go?(its just a thought) maybe we could have the GORF recycle metals and the agridome recycle water and the other wastes(rotten food ect). And then if theres no place to put it, you have to dump it somwhere with a cargo truck, and it will show on-screen as a lump of garbage. there could even be tilesets as garbage dumps.
(2)Tunnels(underground activities):

Robo-TD (Tunnel Digger) Used to extend tunnels and slowly colapse structures(slow damage over long periods of time), it requires 100 common ore per tunnel tile spaces worth(maybe 50 rare too if it comes to that). Tuneels are like structures and any vehicle can travel in them(earth quakes, blight, and lava flows are the only ways to cause a cave colapse.

Robo-Surveyre  This vehicle can now scan buildings for under ground activities, like robo-tds and can also scan for when a volcanoe will become active, plus it reveals the tunnels under it(all after research). Note that this is just an upgrade for the vehicle.

Then structure factories can produce Shaft Lifters, a structure used to let vehicles underground and into tunnels.

Note: This is all after research at the advanced lab. Every structer of a certain length and/or width will create tunnels automaticly(just like in one of my other games) and note that volcanic terrain can not have tunnels, now under ore mines and anything geothermal.

Maybe we can prevent more damage from earth quakes with support beems under structures(they do it in real life).
(3)Going back to new terria:

Maybe this could be becuase we left a scanning satilite, and kept it active, incase of anything.  After some years after the blight engolfed the planet, it produced an earth-like atmosphiere and is now sutible for life(has plants and soon animals) and has no trace of the blight.
It may have been because the blight just morphed or somthing, and there is few trace of any plymouth and eden structures(in a way, the project of the microbe was a success). This could be used with the green world map!...
(4)Lightning cunducting Technology

After you research 'Thor Hammer', you can research the above technology.
This Simply upgrades all buildings that have colonists in them and lets the structures safley obsorbe lightning from lightning storms(silldoes dammage, but its less) and increases your total power by 200 for a limited time(it goe away slowly).
These conductors will look like anttennis and is made of a special metal that obsorbs electricity. it equips to the building as an attachment(this is eden only).
This device has a limit to its power output, and if overcharged it will over heat and disable the structure for a little while, its maximum output is 600and gets 200 per lightning strike.
(5)Explosive fuels:

This technology is for plymouth only, after completed the research for the super nova, this is a medium ranged vehicle that squirts fuel at other units and structures, it has an area of effect like the sticky foam and acid cloud, the purpose of this wepon is to enhance the damage that the units and structures take while reacting to the inpact of other wepons(it can effect ANY unit or structure it hits and cause it to recieve 25% more damage(emp dont count). it causes no damage, but leave a black foam-like supstance on the vehicle. it disapears after a while(like sticky foam, and there will be a research upgrade for its duration.
(6)A few new dissasters

There should be tar left over after lava cools, it be sticky, and you have the option to move vehicles in it, but its purpose whald be incase you acidently click to mvoe your vehicle into it, and it will sink in, and disapear over time(tar will be darkish grey and bubblie, and your vehicles will be able to detect it from its heat, but only when you miss click, will it go in, there will be a towtruck to move vehicles out of tar or sinking sand befor they sink to the bottum.
(7) some unfun missing facts...:

The sticky foam should act like a land mine to moveing targets, in op2,  when it fires on the ground, the foam disapears, what it should do is stick to the ground and stop any vehicle that moves into it(like fly paper, or tar) then when an emp missle hits the from, it creats a scorch mark, and lets not forget lazers, they should do some kind of inprint on the ground's servace(a heated scorch mark that goes away after a little time). These missing facts are things that are missing in op2, it corrisponds with grafics or tilesets.
____________________________Please list if you support or not or your not sure.

Hit me up on discord, if I am online, you know I'll be gaming.

(Lord Of Pain is no more, I am currently now "Zardox" and have been for awhile on other platforms.)

Offline Sirbomber

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Random Ideas.........!
« Reply #1 on: August 06, 2008, 12:47:43 PM »
1) They stopped accepting new ideas.

2) We've already discussed these ideas several times and concluded they sucked. If you would just take a few minutes to look at other posts we wouldn't have to be having this discussion.

[size=0]3) Genesis is dead, despite what they keep telling us.[/size]
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Offline Hidiot

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Random Ideas.........!
« Reply #2 on: August 06, 2008, 02:21:32 PM »
The tunnel idea I myself find interesting. Or maybe it's just cause I like tunnels :)

But as Sirbomber said, this project isn't taking any more ideas. Someone could lock the idea parts of this forum to reflect that though...  <_<  
"Nothing from nowhere, I'm no one at all"

Offline Zardox Xheonov

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Random Ideas.........!
« Reply #3 on: August 06, 2008, 04:58:55 PM »
Thanks for the info, and sorry for posting somthing i should not have....

Dont worry about me, i won't post any more suggestions; it gets me nowhere..

please do lock this thread(if you want), and good luck with all other projects (thumbsup)

P.S., i have a very importeint question in the 'mapper' part of the forums, if you could.
Hit me up on discord, if I am online, you know I'll be gaming.

(Lord Of Pain is no more, I am currently now "Zardox" and have been for awhile on other platforms.)