This forum has been somewhat slow for a while now. Some of the people that used to post here have moved on, and others are busy right now, but there are also a lot of people still around that used to post actively that just don't seem to bother anymore. I've been pondering why that is. From chatting on IRC it seems people are still interested in some of the projects here, but also don't feel they have the skills to really contribute anything. So I'm left to ask, is this just why people don't post much in this forum anymore?
What do other people think? Post your thoughts.
Are you mostly just interested in reading about stuff? Would you participate more if there was something that seemed more to your level? Would you like to see more explainations or tutorials on the more complex projects so you can raise your level?
Also, what sorts of areas do you think should be important, and with what sort of priority? More everything might be good, but in the absence of the man power for more everything, what's the most important thing. Or, if you were going to do something yourself if only someone would explain how, what would it be?
- small patches for OP2 (and what kinds of patches?)
- levels (single? multi? campaign? colony?)
- editors (map editors, tile set editors, tech tree editors, music editors, ...)
- AI
- multiplayer game match making
- writing new games (mini games? remake? sequel? unrelated games?)
Be sure to specify if this is something you want to learn to do yourself (i.e. we should write a tutorial on it), or if it's something you'd like to see other people do more of.