Author Topic: Op1 Tech Tree Effects  (Read 5516 times)

Offline nighthalk1

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Op1 Tech Tree Effects
« on: May 05, 2008, 02:30:46 PM »
this post is mainly to show what "results" you get and how to aquire the buildings that arnt found in one research (ie administration and hotlab are easy, spaceport is not) some of these effects, like improve morale, probably stack. since i dont have a 16 bit debugger (and i have no idea what those 16 bit api return) i cant get very far poking around in the assembly. anyway long wall of text to follow. and sorry if this is hard to read. yes i did do this the hard way, research 1, reload save, research another reload save, getting spaceport was a pain.

edit: oops looks like not any one of the 5 count for nanotech, construction and mining do, terraforming doesnt.
Code: [Select]
astrophysics: celestial navigation
basic astronomy: meteor alert
planet astronomy: local planet data
stellar astronomy: solar flare alert

medicine: hotlab, suspended animation, enabled genetics
-pharmacology: health improvement
-alien pharmacology: alien virus cure
exobiology: new food source, terraforming microbe
-plant biology: none
-agriculture 1: new food source, improved food production
physiology: none
-anatomy: general health improvement
-comparative physiology: general health improvement
embryology: infant survival improvement
immunology: general health improvement
entomology: none
ecology: none
-alien(ecology): none
--alien ecology atmospheric+terrestial+marine: meteorology

biochem: none
physicalchem: none
-metallurgy: none
-materials processing: improved smelter production
quantum chem: improved spew

meteorology: weather prediction
geography: mapping with coordinates
geology: none
-engineering geology: road building improvement
-mineral resources: none
--terrestrial mining: improved mine production
--extraterrestrial mining: none
-terrestrial geology: none
--tectonics: earthquake prediction
--mineralogy: find mine resources faster, improved smelter production
--Vulcan logy: volcano prediction

mathematics: factory efficiency increase

artificial intelligence: hotlab facility, enables nanotech 1
-ai managers: none
-ai personality problems: no ai problems
-space probe intelligence: intelligent space probes
-robotics 1: none
--airbots: airborne robots
--repairbots: repair robots
--humanoid workers: improved morale, humanoid workers
advanced processors: none, (combine with ai managers to get ai managers(5))
systems analysis: none
-efficiency studies 1: administration facility, factory production increase
-efficiency studies 2: tech level advance

aerospace: none
-wind tunnels: none
-spacecraft testing and analysis: none
-orbital space stations: space dock, space factory, space lab
-satellites and probes: none
--meteorsat: meteor defense system
--comsat/navsat: comm/nav sat
--solar power satellite: solar power satellite
--geological penetrater probe:
--weather sat: weather satellite
--orbital observer: orbital observer
--flyby probe: none
--ULBI probe: none
communications: none
-harsh environment signals processing: improved communication
-SETI: none
orbital mechanics: none
electrical engineering: none
-robotics 2: enables subfields of robotics 1
optics: unlocks all satellites under satellites and probes
power generation: none
-alternative advanced systems: geothermal power
propulsion systems: none
-standard propulsion spacecraft: none
--asteroid miner: none
--heavy lifter: none
--low orbit freighter: none
theoretical physics: improved laboratory, tokomak level advance
-anti-matter: none
-nuclear physics: none
-plasma physics:
-quantum mechanics: hot lab facility, enables nanotech 2

economics: improved commercial facility, trade improvement
political science: trade improvement
psychology: improved morale, improved residence
-trade negotiation: trade improvement
-advanced teaching methods: improved university
sociology: none
-crowd psychology: improved crowd control
-industrial sociology: factory production increase
-social stratification: improved moral
-cultural change: improved moral
urban studies: none
-city planning: improved colony planning
-police science: improved police

drama: improved moral
fine arts: improved moral
history: improved moral
music: improved moral
philosophy: improved moral
Code: [Select]
-genetics: none
--genetic engineering: life extension, terraforming microbe
---agriculture 2: improved food, new food source
computer science
-nanotech 1: none
-nanotech 2: none
--nano machines: none
---assembler: none
---replicator: none
(nanotech 1 + assembler enables topics under replicator)
----construction: factory production increase
----mining: mining improvement
----medical: health improvement
----terriforming: none
----food production: none
Code: [Select]
multi researched buildings:
monorail: metallurgy and superconductor
mass driver: mathematics, superconductivity
terraform facility: genetic engineering, terraforming nanotech, exobiology, meteorology, all of ecology
spaceport: extraterrestrial mining, mathematics, most aerospace(no satellites needed), orbital mechanics, all propulsion systems
nanotech: quantum chem., bio chem., any 1 of the 5 under replicator, efficiency systems 2

« Last Edit: May 05, 2008, 02:40:40 PM by nighthalk1 »

Offline Brazilian Fan

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Op1 Tech Tree Effects
« Reply #1 on: May 05, 2008, 03:18:23 PM »
This can be used as a base for Sirbomber's project (the new techtree thing)   ;)  

Offline Sirbomber

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Op1 Tech Tree Effects
« Reply #2 on: May 05, 2008, 07:46:49 PM »
Nice job. That must have taken a lot of effort and determination.
Brazilian Fan: But I'm making an OP2 techtree, not an OP1 techtree (which is probably impossible).
« Last Edit: May 05, 2008, 07:47:25 PM by Sirbomber »
"As usual, colonist opinion is split between those who think the plague is a good idea, and those who are dying from it." - Outpost Evening Star

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Offline Brazilian Fan

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Op1 Tech Tree Effects
« Reply #3 on: May 07, 2008, 11:08:36 AM »
Yes, but you can get some ideas and techs from that list  :P  

Offline nighthalk1

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Op1 Tech Tree Effects
« Reply #4 on: May 08, 2008, 08:47:37 PM »
it was tedius but not very hard. like i said i had a save (well 2) one where colony was ready to go but 0 research done, and another with hotlab ready. then when i did find something (such as spaceport) i basically did a lazy binary search, i kept researching till i got it, and then eliminated things 1 by 1, youd think the astrophysics stuff would be in there but NOOOOO. what suprises me is how nuclear antimatter and plasma has absolutly no visible effect. some day im thinking of remaking op1 when i have too much free time on my hands that actually utilizes entire tech tree (such as suspended animation to preserve lives when food scarce, setting priorities to buildings you can set yourself such as a chap. and possibly with efficiency 1 studies allowing you to set multistage priorities like 5 agridomes are high while any aditional are low) also plan to merge the resources a bit so you dont have fusion a-b-c just fusion particles hehehe. (and one of my evil ideas is to allow corpses of dead inhabitants or the rebel bases dead/theire builgings to be sent through the spew for resources)

Offline Brazilian Fan

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Op1 Tech Tree Effects
« Reply #5 on: May 09, 2008, 07:13:45 AM »

Offline Sirbomber

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« Reply #6 on: May 09, 2008, 08:26:48 PM »
Well, from a survival standpoint, recycling your dead is an excellent idea.
Of course, taking ethics (and the "yuck" factor) into account your people would riot.
« Last Edit: May 09, 2008, 08:26:57 PM by Sirbomber »
"As usual, colonist opinion is split between those who think the plague is a good idea, and those who are dying from it." - Outpost Evening Star

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Offline Hooman

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Op1 Tech Tree Effects
« Reply #7 on: May 09, 2008, 08:40:41 PM »
"We are all biochemically equal."

Bonus points to whoever knows what that's from.

Offline nighthalk1

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Op1 Tech Tree Effects
« Reply #8 on: May 09, 2008, 11:59:43 PM »
unfortinatly if there were any techs resulting from multiple researches that arnt buildings i wouldnt have found them like this. but im fairly confident there are none. (like say what if fuel cells are buildable once you have plasma and metallurgy but it doesnt say anything in the results section)