Today at approximately 03:21 UTC (22:21 EST) the IRC server went down.
We were in the process of moving the IRC server to a new location as the hosting on which IRC previously ran was due to expire. However, for personal reasons, I was not able to complete the server and DNS changeover before the server was turned off.
IRC has been relocated, and the DNS has been updated successfully so within 24-48 hours clients should be pointed to the new server. However, shortly after IRC startup the machine suffered a complete network failure. Galactic will check the machine tomorrow and attempt to restore network connectivity.
In the meantime, a temporary IRC server (no services such as NickServ and ChanServ) has been set up. You can use the command /server to connect to it. (or link:
I will post more information as we find out what is happening and work to correct these issues we have been having.
I apologize for any inconvenience this has caused anyone.
-- BlackBox