I just detected a ... MAJOR AI flaw in the Eden population map. The AI will not attack you until you get Large-Scale Optical Resonators.
That way you can prepare yourself... I just research anything besides Health maintenance, DIRTs, recreation, rare ores (and lasers, obviously

During that time I can even move my base around.
And another thing... only 2 teams of attackers will home in on your position.
Even on hard, they will not attack you until you get lasers. I have yet to complete that map on hard, so What exactly happens is not yet known...
Notable thing: anyone can finish Eden population on any normal and hard, if he doesn't get weapons.
However, that eliminates the fun of building your army up and loosing it fast

EDIT: Rare ore Research does not cause any unwanted attack triggers, so researching that will still keep you safe. Next step is to activate rare ore smelters, and researching Reinforced Vehicle Construction and Space Program, to check if they will do anything.
If they won't, then making an army to defend against early waves might not be so hard...
What I do fear regarding this, is that certain researches trigger certain attack waves, so if I have everything researched, I might get 10 waves coming at me at the same time O_O I did get a suspiciously large attack from Plymouth on the normal, when I got my Tigers researched...
More research to be done, next time I have time.