Author Topic: Eden Population (normal) For Newbies  (Read 7799 times)

Offline Crusard

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Eden Population (normal) For Newbies
« on: September 25, 2007, 10:50:46 AM »
I'm having trouble getting past those damn tigers in the Eden Population map.

Maybe I'm doing things wrong with research, as I'm getting EMP just a couple of minutes before those two headed cats arrive, and Lynx just can't handle them for long.

What I do from start is research the following:

Environmental Psycology (1 more worker available, and better morale w/o extra house)
Metallogeny (more common)
Cybernetic Teleoperation (Cargo Trucks)
Emergency Response Systems (Build 1 DIRT to increase pop a little)
Large Scale Optical resonators (build a couple of guard posts)
High-Power Superconductivity
Advanced vehicle powerplant
Mobile Weapons Platform (build 6-7 lynx)
Rare Ore Processing
Independent Turret Power Systems
Reinforced Vehicle Construction
Advanced Combat Chasis (by this time the Tigers are on their way)
Electromagnetic Pulsing
Directional Magnetic Fields (I'm dead before this is done researching)

I always keep my morale above 75, and for rare ore I begin to build a long pipe since the start of the game to the closest Rare ore location.

I've tried, and tried... any ideas for a n00b? :huh:  

Offline CK9

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Eden Population (normal) For Newbies
« Reply #1 on: September 25, 2007, 11:03:12 AM »
The first thing I do is start setting up a new colony location on the lower-east side.  A lot of ore real close by is a lot better.
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Offline Crusard

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Eden Population (normal) For Newbies
« Reply #2 on: September 25, 2007, 11:14:13 AM »
And... in what time frame do I build a whole new base? :rolleyes:  

Offline Hooman

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Eden Population (normal) For Newbies
« Reply #3 on: September 25, 2007, 10:31:53 PM »
DIRTs are supposed to reduce damage, not increase population. Also, as long as your demands are kept below 100%, there is no difference in morale. It only affects things once the demand goes over 100%. The Environmental Psycology doesn't really seem to do much to help. I always used to research that one when I first started playing, but now I find it doesn't really do much to help. It's nice to have later in the game, but even then I still keep my initial normal residences around. That way I can move workers around to keep them busy, since unoccupied workers hurts morale. When new workers are trained and I have no immediate use for them, I put them to work in the residence. Then when I want to bring something big online or train a few workers into scientists, I can idle those buildings and put them to more useful work.

Maybe if you cut out those two techs you might be further ahead on stuff on you need more.

Also, your casualties will be lower if you overpower them by more. Try building more units. Even if they are only lynx. Also, try to get them away from your base when they're often travelling in single file. You can do more damage to them, while receiving less. It's just a matter of grouping your units together so you can kill one of theirs before they get a (second) shot off. (depending on unit range)

I also tend to hold off on reinforced vehicle construction a bit, just because it makes cargo trucks take rare ore to build. If you don't yet have a rare ore mine and smelter, it makes them somewhat irreplacable. Plus, I'd rather my combat units being the ones that need to worry about attacks rather than my cargo trucks. Disasters usually aren't too much of an issue.


Offline Crusard

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Eden Population (normal) For Newbies
« Reply #4 on: September 27, 2007, 11:09:24 PM »
Well thanks, I'll try these things out.
The DIRT will save both time and workers/scientists, so it might just do.
Also, I didn't know the rare ore cost was put after Reinforced Vehicles, that's good to know now.

Offline Tellaris

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Eden Population (normal) For Newbies
« Reply #5 on: September 28, 2007, 01:33:17 AM »
I find its easier to defend for a while...   And then migrate East.   There's a ton of beacons, and Plym will usually leave you alone for a little while at least.   AI seems to be sporadic here.   Sometimes it attacks, sometimes it doesn't.   Make sure you have AT LEAST a SF, CC, Smelter, Mine and at least ONE truck ready to go before you abandon your old base.   If Plym kills your CC before your second is online, you lose.   You'll probobly need a tok pretty quick too.   Make sure you build on one of the tripples over there, and whatch out for quakes.
« Last Edit: September 28, 2007, 01:34:45 AM by Baikon »
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Offline Hooman

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Eden Population (normal) For Newbies
« Reply #6 on: September 28, 2007, 04:39:12 AM »
I've built there a few times myself, but I've never abandoned my old base. I see no reason to do that. Especially not after having expended resources on it in the first place. It's not that difficult to run two bases. The main difference is you need the workers for the extra CC. Otherwise you're free to move resources around like you just had one base. If the distance and scrolling is a nuisance, then use the hotkeys to bookmark certain locations on the map.

Offline Crusard

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Eden Population (normal) For Newbies
« Reply #7 on: September 28, 2007, 02:39:07 PM »
I'm having trouble keeping one base alive, how do you expect me to keep them both the same way  :whistle:  

Offline Hidiot

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Eden Population (normal) For Newbies
« Reply #8 on: September 28, 2007, 02:43:19 PM »
I've done that map once using 64 laser lynxes, a straight line of laser guard posts and not researching rare ore processing. That kept them using only small forces. Once I got to 500 pop I researched rare ore processing to have some fun and survived 3-4 waves of attacks with those 64 laser lynxes until I got the pop to win :D

Today I've played the Eden Starship on normal and I held my ground for over 1400 marks only with laser lynxes. When I had acid weaponry available, I made a full team of acid cloud panthers and they held my base secure for a long,long while :D Of course, the funnel wall configuration also helped a lot. By the time my panther squad was kinda dead,  I already had a full team of acid and EMP tigers, with a 2nd team of 16 thors tigers and an all-valuable meteor defense :D

Do not underestimate huge teams of lynxes. make sure you research crucial stuff that may influence what attacks you when you've got a strong defense.
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Offline Exile

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Eden Population (normal) For Newbies
« Reply #9 on: October 10, 2007, 07:58:45 PM »
You can stay at your primary colony. Mass laser lynx will rip those RPG tigers apart
It's all about the numbers those little armys are weak. Just kill them before they hit your base spawn camp them
« Last Edit: October 10, 2007, 08:02:02 PM by DragonBlade »
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Offline Hidiot

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Eden Population (normal) For Newbies
« Reply #10 on: October 10, 2007, 09:03:57 PM »
I just detected a ... MAJOR AI flaw in the Eden population map. The AI will not attack you until you get Large-Scale Optical Resonators.

That way you can prepare yourself... I just research anything besides Health maintenance, DIRTs, recreation, rare ores (and lasers, obviously :) )

During that time I can even move my base around.

And another thing... only 2 teams of attackers will home in on your position.

Even on hard, they will not attack you until you get lasers. I have yet to complete that map on hard, so What exactly happens is not yet known...

Notable thing: anyone can finish Eden population on any normal and hard, if he doesn't get weapons.
However, that eliminates the fun of building your army up and loosing it fast :)

EDIT: Rare ore Research does not cause any unwanted attack triggers, so researching that will still keep you safe. Next step is to activate rare ore smelters, and researching Reinforced Vehicle Construction and Space Program, to check if they will do anything.

If they won't, then making an army to defend against early waves might not be so hard...

What I do fear regarding this, is that certain researches trigger certain attack waves, so if I have everything researched, I might get 10 waves coming at me at the same time O_O I did get a suspiciously large attack from Plymouth on the normal, when I got my Tigers researched...

More research to be done, next time I have time.
« Last Edit: October 10, 2007, 10:34:03 PM by Hidiot »
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Offline Mcshay

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Eden Population (normal) For Newbies
« Reply #11 on: October 10, 2007, 11:49:15 PM »
This could be a feature to help players who are slow builders. Dynamix never said the AI went all out against the human player.  

Offline BlackBox

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Eden Population (normal) For Newbies
« Reply #12 on: October 11, 2007, 03:59:09 AM »
I just detected a ... MAJOR AI flaw in the Eden population map. The AI will not attack you until you get Large-Scale Optical Resonators.
It's also due to the fact that Outpost 2 lacks any real AI. Most of the missions are just collections of actions that occur in response to a certain trigger being fired.

In the case of this specific thing, the attacks don't start until a research trigger fires for player 0 and a piece of code gets called.

But yeah, none of the missions actually "plan ahead" or try to one-up the player... it's just waiting until the player does a certain thing and then attacks / starts research / something else. (Either that, or just periodic attacks by using either a Pinwheel or a repeating time trigger).
« Last Edit: October 11, 2007, 03:59:28 AM by BlackBox »