Author Topic: General Suggestions  (Read 1865 times)

Offline Skypanzer

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General Suggestions
« on: August 29, 2007, 03:18:13 PM »
I read the rules for posting and all that so I'll try to make this as easy to read
as possible. Okay so I been thinking of a few ideas for OP3 so here it goes:

If the ai is on hard, then the ai will cheat, i.e. build units and structures faster then normally allowed, have a constant morale of excellent, research faster even with small amount of scientists, produce many units/defenses etc. I have seen this implemented on some games which lacked the best ai;ie Red Alert 2. Its also much easier, compared to actually taking the time to code a very hard ai.

Plymouth has the EMP missle, which can win games if used right and your oppenent can't move his units fast enough. While Eden has, yup: nothing.
I'll try to make this sound like an OP2 tech research as much as possible.

Research Name: Biological Warfare Missle
Plymouth forces main advantage over us is that they possess
the powerful emp missle, which has no doubt cost us many battles.
One of our scientists is proposing that we develop our own missle platform,
but with a different weapons platform: A modified version of the blight microbe. He beleives that by placing a dormant similar version of the blight into a blight resistant warhead(coated with the same isotopes as blight walls to prevent an outbreak) we could effectively recreate the effect of the blight, however on a smaller scale. Our scientists have engineered an enhanced version which will only activate once our missle hits its target, which will activate a combustion effect that will activate this microbe. The microbe will spread over its target, destroying any units that happen to be close by. This isotope will die over a short while though
do to the fact that it requires heat to multiply. Fortunately, this will prevent the microbe from spreading throught the planet like The Blight once did.
Prerestiques: That research that lets you build microbe walls, the thing thet lets you launch a Relaunchable Rocket. Sorry, Id give the real name but I haven't played OP2 in a while.

Other Notes: The microbe will damage vehicles, however it will only do minor damage to buildings. You would have to balance this missle out by:
A.Giving Plymouth a missle defence system
B.Taking Edens defense system away

If scorpions are going to be included in OP3, I think they should be  boosted because: 1.(Dr.Evil)They have 150 frigging hit points, light armor and a weak *makes finger motion* LASER. It costs 900 to make three which can all easilly be beaten by a less costly laser lynx or microwave lynx(3scorpions.vs.1lynx)
The damage from the laser is pitiful at best, and their slow speed combined with
their crappy range makes it likely that the enemy will destroy them before they can launch one attack. Also, they can be litteraly slaughtered by a single Acid Cloud or MMGs. In general, the aren't worth the cost or the time required to build them. Oh, and their upgrades suck.  (thumbsdown)

Just kidding. :lol: Eden and Plymouth combined probably couldn't afford a plane from WW2. Besides, OP2 is more of a vehicle.vs.vehicle kind of game.

God this pisses me off. Instead of having to click on a vehicle factory and only be
able to que one tank at a time let their be a building que for each factory of up to nine.(Example: For each tank their is text, but every time you click a text one more will be added to the que to a maximum of nine vehicles) I wish I could explain it....Hmm....Think C&C except without the vehicle tab and icons.

This website suprised me greatly. I surely thought OP2 would be dead by now. While Sierra has gone down the crapper and we wait to here back from them OP2 is still going strong. :D
Sierra started going  downhill after they lost Half-Life if you know what Im saying.
Random Comment: For a while, I thought this Icon was a face.  :op2:
With the sattelite bieng its eyes,nose,eybrows and mouth and the planet bieng its head. I know its retarted...look close and you'll see what I mean.
« Last Edit: August 29, 2007, 03:19:41 PM by Skypanzer »

Offline Arklon

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General Suggestions
« Reply #1 on: August 29, 2007, 03:24:36 PM »
1) No. Making an AI cheat is a very bad band-aid solution to it not being much  of a challenge. The AI in OP2 already cheats on every difficulty... not that it helps much.
2) No, because then you'd end up infecting yourself.
"The microbe will damage vehicles, however it will only do minor damage to buildings." If it can only do minor damage to buildings and not disable them, then it won't be able to do much to vehicles, either.
3) Well, this would be in 3D, so vehicles could be scaled to more realistic sizes and not scale them to tile size, meaning arachnids could be very small and be able to move between larger vehicles, etc.
4) I wouldn't mind air units, as long as they are available only as a later research topic (and set up so you can't just research straight for air units, forgetting about all other combat tech for the most part, and be able to win that way) so it doesn't become a rush for transports. There's evidence of an unused unit that was possibly an air transport in OP2, actually.
5) A queue of 9 makes it too set-it-and-forget-it. Perhaps a queue of 3-5, maybe it can even work on multiple vehicles at a time when a vehicle passes 25% or so completion (but that would encourage/make necessary queues). I would like it to only require to click on the vehicle selection once rather than double click.
« Last Edit: August 29, 2007, 03:29:47 PM by Arklon »

Offline Combine Crusier

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General Suggestions
« Reply #2 on: August 30, 2007, 08:28:41 AM »
You could use a queue and have the ability to make multiple vehicles at once if you used an assembly line!

I suppose a queue of 5 is ok... You might be able to make a shift click to fill the queue in one click.

Though I'd like them air vehicles have been shot down several times.... the only post still opens involves a single player campain scout flyer.

Blight weapons have been slaughtered a bunch of times by moderators... I agree here though, blight weapons are a no go.

Realistic sizes would rock however it would also make it more difficult to select small units such as the spider.

Cheating is not the way to make the AI more difficult... you can just have it biuld multiple factories to biuld things faster.... Population is another story....
Fire at will!

Offline Psudomorph

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General Suggestions
« Reply #3 on: August 30, 2007, 10:15:28 AM »
Blight missile... I can just see it now:

Person 1:"Gentlemen, this microbe destroyed an entire planet, nearly wiped out humanity, and has left our struggling civilization stagnating for many years in a journey between planets to escape it."
Person 2:"Lets put it in a missile and fire it at people elsewhere on our new planet whom we have a vague philosophical disagreement with!"
Person 3:"Yeah, I'm reasonably confidant we can limit it's spread to a small area, despite it's insatiable appetite for the very building blocks of human life."
Person 1:"... Ok its settled! Plymoth won't know what hit them!"

It's kind of sad that I wouldn't put something like that past humanity...
« Last Edit: August 30, 2007, 10:16:27 AM by Psudomorph »