Author Topic: Whoever Knew That Zanco Could Tell The Future?  (Read 4528 times)

Offline ARES

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Whoever Knew That Zanco Could Tell The Future?
« on: June 19, 2007, 12:00:42 AM »
This really should be under op2 novellaes imo.
Here goes!

* Zanco` predicts the future
* Zanco` predicts that after this game, Tellaris will come here complaining about something
* Zanco` also predicts that RockNavator will be like "whatever"

<Tellaris> Fox
<Starfox00000_A> and for all you whining about missles
<Tellaris> Don't spam ports, and I won't either.
<Starfox00000_A> you mustve launched at least 3 times more than me
<Starfox00000_A> you a hippocrit plane and simple
<Tellaris> Meh. I hate missile spamming
<RockNavator> zanco wins
<Tellaris> But I'll do the port spammage if you will
<Starfox00000_A> (01:57:23) (%Tellaris) Meh. I hate missile spamming - but you launched at least 3 times as many as me
<Starfox00000_A> thats not hippocritical at all
<Tellaris> You spam ports... So to me, thats essentially "weapons free"
<Tellaris> Because you can start spamming missiles from them at any point
<Starfox00000_A> you had as many ports as me
<Tellaris> Don't build more then one port, and I won't either.
<Starfox00000_A> your not even denying how many missles you launched
<Tellaris> No, I'm not
<Starfox00000_A> just whining about how i spammed ports when we both had the same number
<Starfox00000_A> your a complete hippocrit
<RockNavator> hmm
<Tellaris> Yes, I did missile pwnage you. But, you spammed ports. (More then 1 = spammage to me). Once somebody does that, I spam em right back. And when I have more then 1 port, I use em to full potential
<Tellaris> Though for the first time, I actually did use screen bookmarks...
<Starfox00000_A> you hate missle spamming but youll do it
<Starfox00000_A> how do you sleep at night with those kind of contradictions in you?
<Tellaris> Yep. Its really the only way to beat other spammers
<Tellaris> Other then not play them of course
<Tellaris> But theres so few people here, thats not entirely an option...
<Starfox00000_A> yeah, its the only way to beat ppl like you
<Tellaris> Hey fox? I remember games against you where you'd just spam em worse then ... uh... well... I forget the guy's name, but he was pretty bad
<Starfox00000_A> and the whole 'if you only build one port thing' is total BS too
<Tellaris> Beleive what you want.
<Tellaris> As will I
<Starfox00000_A> because the other player can build more and b4 u have time your dead
<Tellaris> Fact is. You died.
<Starfox00000_A> yes
<Starfox00000_A> i was missle spammed to death by someone who claims to hate missle spamming
<Tellaris> Hmm... If you had sec CC, why wasn't it on?
<Starfox00000_A> not only that
<Tellaris> My second was on...
<Tellaris> I turned it on the second I finished it
<Starfox00000_A> but as i recall your the only one of us that used missle on ppls bases
<Starfox00000_A> yet you hate missle spamming
<Starfox00000_A> no one can trust you as far as they could throw you
<Tellaris> Well, since he won't drop it, I'll dump him in ignore for a while.
<RockNavator> lol
<Starfox00000_A> ah yes, 'im completely in the wrong, so I will run away' , fantastic.
<Tellaris> I'm tempted to actually "Moderate" him since I'm trying to drop the argument and he isn't takeing the hint...
<Starfox00000_A> wow lol
<Tellaris> But, I don't think I could actually justify that...
<Starfox00000_A> you responeded and argued as much as i have
<Starfox00000_A> and your threatening to kick me
<Starfox00000_A> again, that not hippocritical at all
<Starfox00000_A> its assholes like you that make f*** up my day
<RockNavator> you def have twice as many lines
<Starfox00000_A> yeah, but hes arguing with me isnt he?
<Tellaris> Now, though, hes prolly gonna trash talk behind my back. But, meh.
<Starfox00000_A> i bet he hasnt even put the ignor one
<Starfox00000_A> *on
<Tellaris> Nah, no way thats twice as many
<Starfox00000_A> so he could say that and know he was right
<Tellaris> Maybe .5 x more
<Tellaris> And yes, Zanco DOES win!
<Tellaris> Zanco isn't graceing us with his beloved presence though :(
<Starfox00000_A> if people like him werent around everything would be so much better i just wasted hours of my life with some jackass and told he dosent like what he was doing to me
<Starfox00000_A> ugh
<Starfox00000_A> f*** this
<Starfox00000_A> idk why i even play anymore
<Tellaris> Is fox still on about that?
<Tellaris> ARES-WoWing: died fast here :/
<Tellaris> err...
<Tellaris> hmmm
<Starfox00000_A> he dosent have his ignore set. hes saying that to try to get me to keep going and look stupid - if he really were the 'bigger man' and set the ignore, he wouldnt be asking. this ladies and gentlmen (and tellaris since ur reading this) is what a true jackass is
<Tellaris> Hmm. Anybody know what this is for?
<Tellaris> Hmm... If I did the calculations correctly, and that timer is by the second, its going to hit its end in... 1111 years?
<Tellaris> That can't be right...
<Tellaris> Oh, and actually fox, I set complete ignore timer and entered 10 mins into it
<Starfox00000_A> really? why would u tell me that if you had seen that i said you hadnt set the ignore
<Starfox00000_A> jackas
<Starfox00000_A> s
<Tellaris> Though I only left it on for 5
<Tellaris> So. Know what that timer is for?
<Starfox00000_A> whatever. your a lying hippocritical jackass. f*** off and stop trying to bait me into arguing to make urself look good
<RockNavator> night night
<Tellaris> Hey, Fox? I'm making this an official request now. DROP IT.
<Starfox00000_A> d stop trying to bait me into arguing to
<Starfox00000_A> i just asked YOU to drop it
<Starfox00000_A> and here you are again
<Starfox00000_A> i suppose ur going to 'moderate' now, am i right?
<RockNavator> Can I ask you both not to say another word about this tonight?
<RockNavator> The dinging is pissing me off
<Tellaris> Not yet, but you are asking for it.
<Starfox00000_A> comon then
<Tellaris> Now cut the crap, alright?
<Starfox00000_A> kick me
<Starfox00000_A> why didnt you stopped when i asked you to stop arguing?
<Starfox00000_A> so you could say 'i want this to stop' a few time and look good?
<Tellaris> And at what point did you ask me to stop? I fail to see anything fitting that.
<Starfox00000_A> stop trying to bait me into arguing
<Tellaris> Sigh.
<Starfox00000_A> in this line: (02:16:41) (+Starfox00000_A) whatever. your a lying hippocritical jackass. f*** off and stop trying to bait me into arguing to make urself look good
<Starfox00000_A> well is that not asking you to stop talking to me?
<Starfox00000_A> of course the ' i wont say anything and look even better '
<Starfox00000_A> good
<Tellaris> Looks to me like you're just trying to bait me by that overly hostile sentence
<Starfox00000_A> which sentance would that be?
<Tellaris> Hmm... Where did freeza get to?
<Starfox00000_A> good mabey youll stfu now
<Tellaris> ...
<Tellaris> My god fox...
<Starfox00000_A> guess i was wrong
<Starfox00000_A> im going to leave and end this
<Starfox00000_A> because this is retarded

* Starfox00000_A has quit IRC (Quit:

<Tellaris> Wow. Hes acting as if I personally assaulted him... Taking the game way too seriously methinks.
<Tellaris> Ah well.
<Tellaris> Hmm... To be honest, playing a game of OP2 seems to be... less fun then it was.
<Tellaris> Mainly why I stopped coming here. Seems like its not worth the time anymore.
<Tellaris> And the arguments here... mmm. Its been nice talking and playing you again, RockNavator. Don't think I'll be comin back any time soon
<Tellaris> Good night!

* Tellaris has quit IRC (Quit: Tellaris)

<gpgarrettboast> So, who says we don't put weapons in op3 so we can quit people from arguing about this bs? :)
<gpgarrettboast> Bunch of sore losers I say..
<gpgarrettboast> meh oh well -.- 1001 reasons I don't play anymore. Because I can't play to win without having to listen to them b**** about it for 40 minutes afterwards.
<gpgarrettboast> Makes me want to spend my time working on a project that I can earn money off of instead of this :P
By Savant 231-A @ Apr 19 2007, 10:05 AM

I know the best way to be secure, use wireless cable! :P

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Whoever Knew That Zanco Could Tell The Future?
« Reply #1 on: June 19, 2007, 03:53:26 AM »
Lame...   :CK9's:  

Offline zanco

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Whoever Knew That Zanco Could Tell The Future?
« Reply #2 on: June 19, 2007, 07:56:23 AM »
i didn't even know I was psychic... or maybe, just maybe.. I have seen this too much  
if anyone finds and communicate to us that which thus far has eluded our efforts, great will be our gratitude.
          Jakob Bernouilli

"Zanco`, n00b o' The Flares"

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Whoever Knew That Zanco Could Tell The Future?
« Reply #3 on: June 19, 2007, 09:55:03 AM »
Im not sure what to comment on the fact those two bicker like old women.  or the fact zanco` knew it was going to happen because they were in the same game.

Offline Quantum

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Whoever Knew That Zanco Could Tell The Future?
« Reply #4 on: July 09, 2007, 01:29:09 PM »
are you kidding me double personality again  
This conversation did not happen, the gun that I have in my hand is not real and the Presidents book does not exist.

Offline Freeza-CII

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Whoever Knew That Zanco Could Tell The Future?
« Reply #5 on: July 09, 2007, 02:46:14 PM »
what does this have to do with double personalities?

Offline Quantum

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Whoever Knew That Zanco Could Tell The Future?
« Reply #6 on: July 09, 2007, 03:37:52 PM »
Zanco is all about the multi personalities
This conversation did not happen, the gun that I have in my hand is not real and the Presidents book does not exist.

Offline Freeza-CII

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Whoever Knew That Zanco Could Tell The Future?
« Reply #7 on: July 09, 2007, 05:47:25 PM »
That has nothing to do with this.

Offline zanco

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Whoever Knew That Zanco Could Tell The Future?
« Reply #8 on: July 10, 2007, 02:15:07 PM »
Doesn't matter, I have psychic powers... I can also tell your future Freeza!!
if anyone finds and communicate to us that which thus far has eluded our efforts, great will be our gratitude.
          Jakob Bernouilli

"Zanco`, n00b o' The Flares"

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Whoever Knew That Zanco Could Tell The Future?
« Reply #9 on: July 11, 2007, 02:10:07 AM »
ya but youll never see that chainsaw coming some psychic