Author Topic: Opu Land  (Read 3734 times)

Offline Savant 231-A

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Opu Land
« on: April 12, 2007, 06:43:12 AM »
I got bored so i did this....
Here is the story

The story.

The Big Internet created all the modems and planets and servers... And away from each second more and more and more have been created... modem by modem.... server by server... planet by planet...
And on ever planet there was a server, and on a server modems, and on modems... people...

From 3283 planets in the Internet System... planet no. 12 (the planet where OPU servers are) is a very old planet... The planet is just like Earth. It has water, and dry land. But only one difference was tahat there were no animals. Just humans but in a differenet way... Every human back at Earth had it's name nad it's personality that he couldn't change.
But in the Internet System, every one human that posses a modem can choose his alias, and build up his personality.
But, if one server is on one planet, is it have to be on that planet? No.... As humans buy their modems, the internet system grows....
If on a planet, is a small piece of, for example AA forums, maybe on the next planet the server will take up to 1000 km2 !
Nothing in Internet System is impossible... Everything is possible.

And now... Let's take a tour of planet No.12, the OPU servers on Continent Tellarisia...

(The white letters are here so you can read letters that would be usually invisible beacuse the borders are black and the letters are black)
(you might find a part of your name here.... read CAREFULLY)

Made in Windows paint in 10-30 minutes...

How do you liked it...
I tried to do this in 3d version... but i suck when it's about 3d...

Uh yeah... i forgot... the continent left of Telarisia is Postagy... filled with all kinds of servers... Forum-free zone...

And... Do i have an excellent brain for stupid names of planets and other things...
« Last Edit: April 12, 2007, 07:23:38 AM by Savant 231-A »
Gordon Freeman, and mr. Crowbar would own Master Chief in any part of the day.
"Come here citizen."

"From the ashes of the collapse we seek to build a better world for all."

Offline Savant 231-A

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Opu Land
« Reply #1 on: April 12, 2007, 01:06:34 PM »
Yeah... and here is the the Server zone of OPU!



The OPU was found on 2001-2002 in month of june. OPU had a very interesting pas. And yes, I don't have to re-tell you everything, here is the LINK and read everything.

And from now on... OPU land is a very pacfull place to live... Only few kicks a day... Not too much for these lands...
The traditional food of OPU Land was the Betasandwich ©, created by Betaray.
Warning. You can not eat Betasanwich © without asking Betaray. Illegal making and mass producing
 is punishable by OPU laws :P :P

Currency is Inforton wich value is same as always...

Capital of Kasda is one big town of 1km2 becuse it goes all up, just like all other Capitals of other Zones.

Population is very high these days...
more and more are migrating to OPU land, and less leaving.


1. Newbie
2. Advanced members, and
3. Administration zone.

Newbie zone
Alwas filled with new people. Low building and low rankings in these areas

Advanced Members zone
Moderatly populated zone. Taller buildings and moderated rankings

Very Strict and low populated zones. High air pollution. Heavy industries. Heavy police and military presence. Very tall Buildings and High rankings.

[edited by leeor_net]
fixed link
« Last Edit: October 12, 2016, 10:08:22 AM by leeor_net »
Gordon Freeman, and mr. Crowbar would own Master Chief in any part of the day.
"Come here citizen."

"From the ashes of the collapse we seek to build a better world for all."

Offline Brazilian Fan

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Opu Land
« Reply #2 on: April 12, 2007, 03:28:18 PM »
Hey, where is 'my' town?  :P  

Offline Hooman

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« Reply #3 on: April 12, 2007, 05:27:13 PM »
Umm, does that actually say "Horman"? Can I object to the pronounciation?  <_<

So, when do we start fighting over who has the biggest piece of land? :P

Offline Tellaris

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« Reply #4 on: April 12, 2007, 08:26:32 PM »
My name's pronounceiation sounds femaleish...   And if there was, Lev would eventually win.   Though I'd put up a good fight, takeing over Horman's land in relatively short order.   Zircan would probobly self destruct from a supernova.   Adminion would just ban everyone, and would thusly be unconquerable.
Spell Checker!   The PoWeR tOoL
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Self Proclaimed OPU Help desk.

Offline Savant 231-A

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« Reply #5 on: April 13, 2007, 02:02:10 AM »
You all didn't get it all...
There is no "my" city/town.
Somebody lives in that town. I will not remind you that administration (not this :P ) is very strict about rules... you can expect  heavy police and military presence right now if you "try" to conquer any town...
So to clear the thing...

NO ONE owns a town/city
You can not attack towns/citys...
But we can attack enemy terrirtory...


I should make Risiko game out of this... FOR REAL

EDIT: Baikon, I don't remeber i put you name anywhere...
And yes if oyu can't view all of the text written, use Internet Explorer (windows)
« Last Edit: April 13, 2007, 02:04:19 AM by Savant 231-A »
Gordon Freeman, and mr. Crowbar would own Master Chief in any part of the day.
"Come here citizen."

"From the ashes of the collapse we seek to build a better world for all."

Offline Hooman

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« Reply #6 on: April 13, 2007, 02:15:55 AM »

Tellaris = Baikon

Offline Savant 231-A

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Opu Land
« Reply #7 on: April 13, 2007, 07:55:59 AM »
I think my brain missed a very important Information....
Gordon Freeman, and mr. Crowbar would own Master Chief in any part of the day.
"Come here citizen."

"From the ashes of the collapse we seek to build a better world for all."