I have noticed that in OP V1.5 you can transfer colonist but in OP 2 you can't. So I was wondering if we could modify the evac transport and the CC so that the transport can dock with the CC and take on so many colonist
(40 max). You could then transfer the vehicle to the other player and they could then have the transport dock at their CC and the colonist would be theirs!
A.Releave over population of one player
B.Gives other player a boost in colonist
C.Provides another use for the CC
D.Useful when your ally has sustained losses
E.Provides another option from starving your colonist to keep population down
F.Could be used to transfer colonist in evac situations or in landrush games
G.Could be made so you have to do this when biulding another base
H.Gives another reason to have the transport at all
I.Boosts morale to know that disaster measures are in place
A.Time consuming transport
B.Makes colonist vulnerable
C.Requires game to have CC with docking ports (or something similar)
Got to go