Author Topic: Sentry Wall  (Read 3426 times)

Offline Combine Crusier

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Sentry Wall
« on: March 15, 2007, 02:05:49 PM »
A good idea for using vehicles in defensive operations would be to put them on a wall. The reason for this would be so that the are partially protected, would have a longer firing range, and would be immune to direct fire weapons.

P.S. You would have to use an earthworker to construct ramps or lifts for vehicles to access (lifts are better, despite being slower they rise and automatically lock down when enemy units are on that side of the wall, unless player orders otherwise)....

Sentry Wall:
Strength: Very Strong
Armor: Heavy
(per section)
Common Ore: 250
Rare Ore: 80

A.Prevents direct fire damage to vehicles on top and behind wall
B.Decreases damage taken by area effect weapons and indirect fire weapons
C.Makes vehicles immune to ESG weapons fire
D.Prevents enemy units from passing walled area
E.Improves sentried vehicles range (since they're up high)
F.Earthworker can REPAIR Sentry Walls
G.Can be connected to low cliffs and can be biult over obstructions (EX. Boulders)
H.Lifts can be used as additional walling (when raised)

A.Vehicles are destroyed when wall is demolished
B.Costs Ore
C.Requires ramps to get on and off of
D.Vehicles can't move off wall without ramp or lift
E.Lifts are slower than ramps
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Offline Arklon

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Sentry Wall
« Reply #1 on: March 15, 2007, 10:40:00 PM »
Putting things on a wall wouldn't protect them from direct fire weapons. Direct fire means direct fire, not straight fire only. Turrets can aim upward.

Offline Combine Crusier

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Sentry Wall
« Reply #2 on: March 17, 2007, 09:00:58 AM »
Why can't they shoot up the sides of cliffs then
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Offline Arklon

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Sentry Wall
« Reply #3 on: March 17, 2007, 09:03:04 AM »
Why can't they shoot up the sides of cliffs then
Flaw in OP2's game mechanics. It being a 2D game and all. Or the turret can't aim that high up.

Offline Freeza-CII

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« Reply #4 on: March 20, 2007, 10:19:58 PM »
You realize there firing at angles upward not 90 degrees.  and in a 2d world there are no cliffs :P.  Besides the Better idea for this was a wall mounted GP which is some where in here. Has a nice concept model to.  Using a Vec on a wall means it cant run away.
« Last Edit: March 20, 2007, 10:22:02 PM by Freeza-CII »

Offline Combine Crusier

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Sentry Wall
« Reply #5 on: March 22, 2007, 05:40:21 PM »
Hold the line men hold the line! You can't expect a guard post to hold off an assault they're just distraction to buy you time to get your vehicles over there.
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Offline dm-horus

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Sentry Wall
« Reply #6 on: March 22, 2007, 07:27:12 PM »
thats the point. op2 is not combat based, its more about colony/micro management. combat was simply tacked on as an element to keep the game exciting. play thru the campaign and pay attention to how combat is used. in most cases your best course of action is to simply avoid combat. when you cannot avoid combat, your goal is almost always to simply slow your enemy until you complete the objective. other RTS games are about total domination of the map with your military but as you can see from the default multiplayer games, you can often win a multiplayer game by completing objectives faster than your opponent - not by simply killing them.

Offline White Claw

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Sentry Wall
« Reply #7 on: March 22, 2007, 07:45:40 PM »
I thought that some weapons could fire up a cliff based on if they are LOS or projectile based. (As was discussed in another thread.)

In either case, I think I'd rather see GPs embedded in walls before being able to drive a vech on top. (But then that option is "C&C" like.)

Offline Combine Crusier

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Sentry Wall
« Reply #8 on: March 23, 2007, 08:24:15 AM »
Look at the wall of babylon, they could drive chariots on top of that wall! Besides if you connect 2 cliffs it would act like a bridge! Also Walling is relatively flat on top (normally) so the vehicles would move faster! Also it means this wall isn't as big of an obsticle as the other walls for your vehicles.
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Offline Mez

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Sentry Wall
« Reply #9 on: March 23, 2007, 09:05:45 AM »
A mobile weapons platform, is exactly that. mobile.

Not on a wall

If I wanted to but a vehicle on a wall I would just build a GP instead.  Maybe it would be an idea, to be able to wall upto the GP.

but at the same time destroying the GP would knock out the wall segments around it.

Another thing.  OP2 is a 2D, top down game, how do you know that the cliffs arn't hundreds of meters high, i mean a wall in OP2 isnt going to be built 100's of meters high is it, so how the hell would it be feasible to create a bridge between cliffs using it?

Offline White Claw

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Sentry Wall
« Reply #10 on: March 23, 2007, 08:18:35 PM »
I think OP2 is supposed to be slighly isometric. I'm still not sure I see the advantage of being able to put a vech on top of the wall. Bridging is an idea, but that would definitely change game dynamics for those levels that depend on cliffs to act as a barrier. (Like if you added the ability to jump to DOOM.) But I'm not strictly arguing against that point.

Either way, if you have line of sight to fire a laser from the top of the wall, you have line of sight to fire a laser from the bottom of the wall. Unless you gave the unit on top of the wall an extra square bonus firing range.

Offline Freeza-CII

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« Reply #11 on: March 23, 2007, 10:56:27 PM »

I think that is the perfect solution to this instead of having vecs on walls which apear to be tapered at the top.

Look at the wall of babylon, they could drive chariots on top of that wall

There was a reason for that and its because guards and look outs were stationed on the wall.  When it comes to Armored combat you need to be albe to move out of the way if and not on a predictable straight like of a wall.

Offline zanco

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Sentry Wall
« Reply #12 on: March 24, 2007, 07:53:48 PM »

Good point. Topic locked.
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