Author Topic: The Elite Of Won  (Read 2703 times)

Offline CK9

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The Elite Of Won
« on: March 12, 2007, 12:32:00 PM »
I was browsing some old clan sites today when I came across a clan name I haven't seen in a long time.  Section 31 was, by the time OP2 was dropped from WON, known as one of the best groups out there.

Section 31 Witten by FoX.
No clan is without a contingency plan. Luckily, the former CSF (also known as Covert Strike Force, or by older returning players, Clan Smothered Flame) chose to incorporate this into their original clan charter. Firewing(CSF), the co-founder of the so called "Dark Age" of CSF instituted Section 31 as an unknown Elite group. Unknown to both CSF members and the rest of SIGS \ WON.

Section 31 has stayed behind the shadows of WON, watching other clans, and looking for potential allies. Section 31 refused to play Outpost 2 using the typical "build as many units as you can then crush your opponent" strategy used by many clans today. Instead, Section 31 players practiced their roots, using Covert Operations in game to win. This practice has, and still succeeds.

Anyhow, some Section 31 trained some CSF members posing as normal CSF that "haven't been added to the roster yet". They played opponents on WON learning how each different clan fights, then practicing that strategy to find flaws, and finally to exploit those flaws.

Now, due to the collapse of the CSF infrastructure, Section 31 has taken complete command. In essence, Section 31 is CSF, and CSF is Section 31. FoX has personally lead Section 31 in this endeavor and has re-appointed Commodore Attack to his Co-Leader position.

"Let WON never forget the clan CSF�." � FoX, Covert Strike Force
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Offline zanco

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The Elite Of Won
« Reply #1 on: March 13, 2007, 08:03:30 AM »
"known as the best group out there"??
That was because they didn't know about the SFA! SFA will prevail.

Regardless, This "FoX" seems to have been quite an OP2 person back in the day, similar to what Levi and other OPU workers are right now. Maybe it will be a good thing if we try to find him... just like someone suggested.

SFA = StarFlareAcademy
if anyone finds and communicate to us that which thus far has eluded our efforts, great will be our gratitude.
          Jakob Bernouilli

"Zanco`, n00b o' The Flares"

Offline NWO

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The Elite Of Won
« Reply #2 on: March 13, 2007, 07:03:38 PM »
From an earlier post of mine.....

If whoever is working on op3 could find a way to get a hold of a former player/moderator/sierra employee, by the name of FoX(CSF), he may be of some help. He was given control of op3 way before WON came to an end. He was the founder of the first ever op2 clan CSF (Covert Strike Force) and later became a Moderator for WON. He had a website for his updates on op3 even some pics of vehicles he had made. I'm not sure how much he got made of it but after Sierra pulled the plugs on op2 I think FoX called quits on making op3 for good. So if some how you could get a hold of him, he could be of some MAJOR help.

Offline Highlander

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The Elite Of Won
« Reply #3 on: March 13, 2007, 10:37:25 PM »
FoX = RedXIII (He's been signed up for this forum for quite some time, but I haven't seen him lately)

Don't think I ever heard of Section 31 though, and from what I remember CSF wasn't really that big. (Basing this on number of members displaying tags or by other means identifying themselves as CSF members)
There can be Only one. Wipe Them out. All of Them.

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Offline NWO

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The Elite Of Won
« Reply #4 on: March 14, 2007, 03:38:08 PM »
FoX didn't recruit that much,and he didn't let just anyone in. I was in CSF a short time after i left Team Wolf... CSF really only had 2-3 members that were on, on a regular basis. Being Me, Exodus714, and of course FoX when he decided to show up. CSF was pretty much dead about a year after SIGS turned into WON. Not sure how big it was when it first started b/c I got outpost2 4 months after it first came out. I'm sure it was overshadowed by Team Wolf since Team Wolf brought all of it's clan from Diablo to op2 and CSF started on op2.

Offline CK9

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The Elite Of Won
« Reply #5 on: March 14, 2007, 11:25:20 PM »
REDX was fox?  he was a cool guy...we should try contacting him...
CK9 in outpost
Iamck in runescape (yes, I still play...sometimes...)
srentiln in minecraft (I like legos, and I like computer was only a matter of time...) and youtube...
xdarkinsidex on deviantart

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