So, I decided to get a box of smarties:

Looks tasty doesnt it? All those bright colors and that kid looks like he really enjoys them.
Now mind you, I have had smarties on numerous occasions. I know what they look like, the boring light colored things.
I figured that this box might have "better" or "special" ones with bright colors (especially blue, since I never saw a blue one before).
I opened the box.

Nothing special about those ones.. they look like standard smarties.
Also, there aren't very many in the box. I figured because the box was big I would get loads and loads of smarties not a stupid little bag with a few rolls of them.
That's the first way Summit Foods / Ce De Candy company ripped me off -- by barely even filling up the box.
I took out a roll of smarties.

There aren't any blue ones!!! There's really _nothing_ good about this boxed variety... theyre the same bland light colored candies.
Thats the second way I was ripped off.
I opened the roll and ate some. I noticed they were much, much chalkier than usual and they were making a mess on my table.
I then had a thought. They come in different colors, I wonder what each color corresponds to in terms of flavors?
I tried a purple one and thought of the flavor. Then I put a red one in my mouth and thought of the flavor. Then I ate a yellow one. And I came to the conclusion:
The colors are just there to make you THINK you are eating different ones. In fact, they all taste identical.
I'm never gonna buy a box of smarties again. A waste of 96 cents.
-- op2hacker