Author Topic: Need Help On Mission 7  (Read 2323 times)

Offline Admiral Vorta

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Need Help On Mission 7
« on: September 02, 2006, 02:35:00 PM »
Title says it all.

I've tried multiple times, but I can't seem to beat Mission 7 on even Easy. It's the Eden campaign.

Offline Sirbomber

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Need Help On Mission 7
« Reply #1 on: September 02, 2006, 08:14:21 PM »
Eden 7... (Debug Menus it)

I hate those "Get Ore Because We Ran Out Of Ideas" missions.

It's simple really. Just have your trucks get the amount of ore you need. Ignore the whole "don't builds tuff" crap. Build lots of trucks and Lynx. More trucks gets you more ore. Bulldoze a path to your mines. There are two common and rare ore mines, right? Use them both. I'd say 4 trucks for the common mines and 3 for the rare mines. So you should have a total of 14 trucks. Have the Lynx defend your stuff.
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Offline Betaray

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Need Help On Mission 7
« Reply #2 on: September 02, 2006, 08:37:52 PM »
straight from the sierra stratigy guides

The challenge here is to fend off the attacking Plymouth units while accumulating enough Metals to complete the mission.  Attacks come from the four corners of the map, sometimes from two directions at once.  Each attack will consist of two to six units, so be prepared to build several groups of eight Lynx for defense.
Start all five Cargo Trucks on an ore-hauling route between the southern Mine and the Common Ore Smelter.  Bulldoze a double-wide path to the Mine to decrease travel time. When the mine yield on this mine drops to 240, move your cargo trucks to service the mine located to the west of the original mine.  Build Rail Gun Lynx immediately.  After you have 12 or so, build additional Cargo Trucks and start an ore-hauling route between the Rare Ore Mine in the southwest and the Rare Ore Smelter.
When you build the Guard Posts that are in the ConVecs, connect them to the base with Tubes to maximize their effectiveness.  You can defend the northeastern approach with three Guard Postss and two Rail Gun vehicles.  Place an additional Guard Post to defend the southwestern approach in conjunction with a group of eight Lynx to be shuttled between the southwestern and northwestern approaches.  Place the remaining Guard Posts  near the southern mine, along with another group of six to eight Lynx.  Always repair damaged Guard Posts immediately after each attack.  You have a ConVec for each, so there is no shortage of vehicles to repair them.
Having several combat units in reserve allows you to cycle damaged vehicles to the Garage for repair between attacks while maintaining the integrity of your defense.  It is faster and cheaper to repair them than to build replacements.
If you lose one of your Tokamaks, build a GeoCon and tap either of the fumaroles in your base.
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Offline Tellaris

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Need Help On Mission 7
« Reply #3 on: September 02, 2006, 11:48:58 PM »
The problem here is that you NEED to build more cargo trucks then they give you at start.   You have to be careful not to lose anything.   If a tank hits yellow, pull it back for repairs (or at least to the back of the army.   AI only targets the closest unit, once the one it was shooting at is out of range.)
The less stuff you lose, the better off you are.
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Offline Admiral Vorta

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Need Help On Mission 7
« Reply #4 on: September 03, 2006, 04:18:59 PM »
I'm playing it on easy. You get two commons and one rare mine. And what's with all those EMP tanks and Spiders? It just gets plain unfair.

Offline Prometheus

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Need Help On Mission 7
« Reply #5 on: November 24, 2006, 06:08:21 PM »
I'm playing it on easy. You get two commons and one rare mine. And what's with all those EMP tanks and Spiders? It just gets plain unfair.
The Mines you Start off with aren't necessarily the best ones on the map.  At the start Send out your surveyor.  In the upper left there's a 3-bar common mine; use the robominer provided.