Author Topic: Plymouth Cold War  (Read 5056 times)

Offline Highlander

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Plymouth Cold War
« on: July 27, 2006, 12:02:49 PM »
Alright, I'll openly admit there's been a while since I played OP2 in single player modus, so I may have forgotten some important things, but I don't think I've ever encountered a game as hard as the one mentioned in topic title.

As usual in the summer, my workplace (The local bowling alley), isn't exactly a busy place, so I brought my laptop with me to work, and decided for the first time in what must be a couple of years at least, to have a go at some of the colony games. Amongst the familiar ones, I also found the old demos I played years ago, and the obviously new: Plymouth Cold War.

- As usual I set the difficulty level to Hard, and had a go. Before I go on, I would like to say the mission is a good one, a nice story and AI base and all. However, I quickly ran into a big obstacle. My population. After trying this mission on Hard, 4 times, I can only conclude that this mission can't be beat on Hard difficulty. Scientists simply die before you can get both Nursury and University up and running.

So my question to the rest of you guys/creator(s): Has anyone else done this colony game on Hard ? Is it actually possible ?

Continuing, I left the Hard difficulty alone, and settled for Normal difficulty. Here I manage to get the University and Nursury up. I also settled for a couple of GP's to try and compensate for lost lynxes. However, this is as far as I get before I hit the wall again. With Flares heading into my base both left over lynxes and gp's are quickly disposed of, and the mission is lost. The conclusion here is that ore supplies are to limited to win this mission. I haven't toyed around with this more than 3 times, but it seems to me that this mission on Normal may be unbeatable aswell. (Mind I use the nearest 1 bar, for ore supply)

Anyone got any comments on this ?

I did try at Easy difficulty aswell, and beat the mission easily with an early laser lynx rush.

So basicly, am I doing something wrong, or forget about something ? or could someone point me in the right direction here, because not beeing able to beat a mission/game always pisses me off.. : :angry:  
« Last Edit: July 27, 2006, 12:04:13 PM by Highlander »
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Offline Betaray

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Plymouth Cold War
« Reply #1 on: July 27, 2006, 01:03:20 PM »
I have the same problem, I first tried it on normal and would start building gp's right away, by the time I had built 4 and was building the 5th a starflare would come and blow up the 5th one that was being built, destroying that and my only convec

they seem to target the ones being built, because it bypassed all the gp's infrount of it go get to the 5th one

on hard you dont even get gp's at the start, so for me at least by the time I got a lab up and running and reshurched them my lynx have already been destroyed and I'm a sitting duck

easy though is way too easy, I havnt lost to it yet

seems its a bit different from the normal difficulity levels, instead of easy, hard, and frekin insane, its easy, impossible, impossible
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I just hope they don't explode

Offline Highlander

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Plymouth Cold War
« Reply #2 on: July 27, 2006, 02:08:54 PM »
Well, in hard you can't win, simple as that.

Population is too small, and before you can start building it up, you loose those scientists you need to keep University and Nursury up.

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Offline Fiologist

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Plymouth Cold War
« Reply #3 on: August 22, 2006, 05:42:44 PM »
whenever i play cold war i get to the point where im ready to bumrush plymouth when the game will freeze up and never comes out of it. In other words it keeps crashing... i have played it 8 times and have succeeded only once in destroying plymouth.

Cold War on easy is how ive been playing.

Offline Tellaris

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Plymouth Cold War
« Reply #4 on: August 23, 2006, 01:02:13 AM »
Problems with Cold War:
1. Difficulty levels are simply too difficult.   Easy is like Med, Med is like Hard, and Hard is like impossible.   It needs to be tweaked for this.
2. Its not quite done yet, and as such it is still highly unstable.   Its probobly a script or two in how the AI reacts to units in defence that is causing it to freeze (my guess anyway).
Someone solved this by attacking one unit at a time untill plymouth died.   So try this for now.   Probobly the game is reprioritizing the AI's defence continuously... a loop crash basically (again, my guess)
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Offline FeazOfEden

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Plymouth Cold War
« Reply #5 on: September 11, 2006, 02:00:43 PM »
So I have to target units individually? Insanity.