I know this is going to sound like whinging and I'm sure I'll get any number of replies along the lines of "you're just not playing it right" but...
I used to play Outpost 2 back when it first came out and the best thing about it was that it was dead easy and you could just have a bit of fun plonking buildings all over the place without having the mad, frenetic chaos associated with C&C, Starcraft, Battlezone, Total Annihilation etc etc etc...
So, I was dead happy when I discovered I could download Outpost 2 for free (having only recently lost my CD). However, I noticed that it has various "patches and updates" applied to it... another thing I've noticed is that it's absolutely impossible to play anymore!
I'm trying to play a colony game as Eden and can I get my population beyond 32? Not a chance! I have a university, two nurseries, two residences, a lab and a medical centre all on the go, I've got environmental psychology in place so my residences are only 38% utilised and what happens? My colonists die off one by one and Plymouth come storming in (they seem a LOT more aggresive in this "upgraded" version) and wipe me out...
So, have the "upgrades" just b*ggered the game up and made it too hard to play? I know even with the un-upgraded version, if you tried to play on Hard, you just ended up in a stand-off with the other colony, both throwing tanks at each other so quickly, that's all there was time and resources to do...
Or, am I, as I suspect I'll be told with great enthusiasm, just no good any more?
All opinions welcome
