Author Topic: Eden Population 1  (Read 10822 times)

Offline op2rules

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Eden Population 1
« on: January 20, 2006, 07:26:56 PM »
Can someone please make a movie of someone beating EDEN POPULATION 1, the one you have to get a population of 250 or somthing. I've been trying to beat it for soo long, and i just can't (easy) Yes, save me the insults i suck at op2, but hey, im part of the community! So, could someone make a movie of them beating that mission?

« Last Edit: January 23, 2006, 05:51:28 AM by Leviathan »
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Offline Chevy_Camaro

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« Reply #1 on: January 20, 2006, 07:49:55 PM »
medical facilities + lots of houses... thats really all you need...

Offline Arklon

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« Reply #2 on: January 20, 2006, 08:18:01 PM »
Having a med center demand of 60% at most is very good (if you get it down to 50%, even better). Don't bother researching leisure studies, it's just another thing to waste time, resources, and space on, and it doesn't improve morale much (and if you DON'T build them after researching them, it LOWERS morale).

And you will want to move to the cliffs at the easternmost side of the map as soon as you can (which is where the extra CC and smelter kits you start off with will come in handy). Try to move there right after you research rare ore processing. Lots of ore there, and meteors are very rare, you will only get the occasional storm and MAYBE a light earthquake if you're particularly unlucky. Much better than the constant bombardment of meteors, vortexes, and storms that you get at the starting location.
Oh, and don't launch a complete starship out of boredom. Launching the evac module causes you to fail no matter what (even if you still have adequate colonists of each type after the launch).
« Last Edit: January 20, 2006, 08:21:34 PM by Arklon »

Offline Sirbomber

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« Reply #3 on: January 20, 2006, 09:30:39 PM »
Yeah, have a lot of Meds and keep morale high. Get Advanced Reses and better meds before anything else, especially on Easy since nobody attacks you. After that make sure you have better + lots of agris (having lots of food is better for morale than no food  ;) ) and if you feel like it a couple new bases.
"As usual, colonist opinion is split between those who think the plague is a good idea, and those who are dying from it." - Outpost Evening Star

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Offline Chevy_Camaro

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« Reply #4 on: January 20, 2006, 10:00:21 PM »
Yeah, have a lot of Meds and keep morale high. Get Advanced Reses and better meds before anything else, especially on Easy since nobody attacks you. After that make sure you have better + lots of agris (having lots of food is better for morale than no food  ;) ) and if you feel like it a couple new bases.
haha yes i remember i built like 5 mining bases cause i was so bored on that map... and i connected them all by tube to my main

Offline dm-horus

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« Reply #5 on: January 21, 2006, 12:07:43 AM »
im writing up tutorials on how to take on population builder and starship missions. i was in your same boat so i know EXACTLY what you feel. do you ever get the feeling that theres some kind of plague in your colony because ppl just keep dying? i know that feeling. ill do what i can to get it up on the wiki tonight. ill announce the link on the forum so keep your eyes peeled.

Offline HaXtOr

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« Reply #6 on: January 21, 2006, 01:13:21 AM »
Just keep to this simple plan
for every residence build one nursery and one university till you almost max out your colonists. then build residences untill the demand is less then 80% and you should be fine

Offline dm-horus

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« Reply #7 on: January 21, 2006, 05:25:27 AM »
dont listen to that. that doesnt work. having nearly as many nurseries and universities as residences is WAY above necessary and is just a waste of resources and very important scientists. i also noticed that for every 3 residences you need at least 1 medical center and for every residence filled to 85% you require at least 1 agridome. anyway...

i have a formula that ive gone with since i discovered it and ive never had problems with colonists since. if your game starts with no research and little or no morale buildings (nurseries, uni, medical center, residence, etc), begin researching the necessary subjects to get them enabled, those being (in order): health maintenance, hypnopedia, environmental psychology, and finally hydroponic growing media. beginning research in these fields should be the first thing you do. when the first subject is being researched, begin building residences as this is a first and cheapest way to raise morale and stop colonist deaths. build anywhere from 2 to 3 but no more than 3 initially as the capacity percentage doesnt mean much at a point when you have no medical centers yet. by the time your residences are completely built you should have at least completed the first 2 research items and be nearly finished with the third. build a nursery. when it is done being built and all other research is complete, begin researching universities if it hasnt already been started. when this subject is being researched, build at least one medcal center. two would be ideal at this point but would slow down research. i leave this part up to the player depending upon their confidence to manage morale. if youre not so confident, only build one and leave the scientists to research, but be aware that colonist deaths will be higher than with two. (you should begin thinking about power levels and keep a tokamak kit in the factory for when power levels begin to stretch to their limit. remember to add tokamaks when needed as this will vary depending upon how you choose to build.) when university research is complete build a university. begin researching other subjects at your discretion; but it would be wise to research upgrades to morale-modifying subjects like disaster-resistant housing, automated-diagnostic examinations, hydroponic growing media. when the first university is done and your other research subjects have started, build an agridome. you will start hearing "food supplies diminishing" within 5 to 10 minutes at this point in the game without it. once hydroponic growing media is researched, agridome output will increase and give you more time to focus on other things, which you need. anyway, when the agridome is done, begin building a second nursery and university kit. at this point you have to delegate your scientists and begin to sacrifice research speed for the lives of the colonists. you might get a bit nervous at this point, but stay focused on the task. dont panic. dont get upset. it is okay to begin to scale back research at this time as the most vital research (to colonist survival) is complete and the rest is more or less simply upgrades to what youve already finished. start construction of the second nursery and university. before they complete, make sure to remove enough scientists from research to allow the new buildings to become operational, or you can simply pause researching until the buildings come online and begin research again when all the scientists have been allocated. throughout this first stage of the game, colonists will be dying and by the construction of the first agridome you will reach the point where colonist deaths versus births will (hopefully) shift and you will begin to have more available workers in your university(ies). you may notice that soon after a worker becomes available, a worker dies and the new one is sent to replace them, removing them from the possibility of being trained into a scientist. you will also notice that if your efforts are successful, the time between a new worker becoming available and another worker dying requiring a replacement inceases. eventually you will have more than one worker, then three, and on and on. when you get to the point that you have at least 2 workers available at any one time, begin training workers into scientists whenever you see them available at the university. but this time, colonist deaths should have reduced to the point that having a constant supply of workers available to replace dying ones isnt as vital and they can instead be directed toward training. this is the ultimate goal of this first part of the game. once youve reached this point, you can begin to build advanced residences and/or demolish and replace the regular residences. if you have one convec demolish the old one while having a convec with the advanced one on-site, you shouldnt lose any colonists or scientists to deaths by morale in the hang time between the destruction of the original and completion of the new. from this point on, you are simply adding more residences to accomodate births, medical centers to treat the growing population, agridomes to feed them. in terms of colonist survival, you are safe at this point. however by the time you are finished building your advanced residences you should switch your game from increasing population to resources and combat. start scouting for mines and start building smelters as the number of available workers will allow. when you are done researching morale upgrades, research metallogeny to increase ore production. when this is done, research cybernetic teleoperation to get vehicles available. then start researching weapons, etc. i follow this exact build order every time i play and it has never failed me. i have never lost a game due to colonist deaths since i started using it and if you follow it exactly, you should be fine.

also keep in mind that the map you are playing - eden population 1 - has some significant hazards. after youve played this map as much as i have, youll notice that meteorites seem to be drawn to the north-west corner of your base, near the large crater. the northern edge of your colony lies right on the outer-reaches of a meteor pincushion. if you are able to play this map to mark 2,000 youll see that the terrain is pock-marked on at least every other tile by a meteor hit, while the rest of the map has the normal random hits. try not to build your colony north of its starting boundary. try building south or south-east. you might consider developing a splinter colony away from the starting colony to escape the disasters, but only if you are confident enough to do so. also be aware that on the easy and intermediate difficulty, several disasters strike your colony no matter what. these increase when approaching mark 2,000 (i think. it might be higher). eventually a vortex will strike directly on the common ore mine just north of your colony. you should have multiple smelters so replacing this loss shouldnt be difficult unless you rely upon this mine solely. a time after this event, another twister will drop on the map between your starting common ore smelter and the boulder to the north-east of it. make sure not to build vital structures in this area if you cannot replace them easily. the largest and most difficult disaster to handle is when you begin approaching the 2,000 - 5,000 mark (its somewhere between there) when a vortex drops on your structure factory. if this is your only structure factory, you will lose the game because you cant continue to build your colony and increase population. the final guaranteed disaster after this occurs near or above mark 5,000 or 6,000 when a vortex drops just north-west of your command center. it will mow right over it and destroy it, so make sure you have more than one cc. as i said, it is wise to build a splinter colony away from the starting one when you have acquired enough resources and colonists. however, dont start thinging about this until you are nearing the number of colonists required to win the mission as this usually occurs near the mark when the "guaranteed" disasters begin.

ive played this map thousands of times and these disasters ALWAYS happen at certain marks. while ive played it and noticed it enough to know the general time they occur, i am not positive on the exact times and how that time changes with difficulty settings. i will do some research to find the exact mark of all disasters if anyone would think it useful.
« Last Edit: January 21, 2006, 05:29:28 AM by dm-horus »

Offline op2rules

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« Reply #8 on: January 21, 2006, 06:48:49 PM »
Alright, i guess i dont need a movie after all! I'll try that technic now! Ill post the results when (if) i finish the mission!
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Offline Leviathan

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« Reply #9 on: January 21, 2006, 06:55:18 PM »
Thx for your help there Horus :D

Offline Chevy_Camaro

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« Reply #10 on: January 22, 2006, 05:31:05 PM »
i just did this mission on easy, took me till like mark 5000 cause i decided to launch a starship and reasearch everything...  B)  

Offline Arklon

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« Reply #11 on: January 22, 2006, 06:14:31 PM »
Just keep to this simple plan
for every residence build one nursery and one university till you almost max out your colonists. then build residences untill the demand is less then 80% and you should be fine
Having multiple nurseries and universities has no effect on the rate of birth and the rate at which workers are trained.

Offline Leviathan

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« Reply #12 on: January 22, 2006, 06:18:01 PM »
Yea op2 is stupid like that :P I wish it did have an effect. The main reason i think its like that is because i dont think they evea thought u would have real big colonys.

It would change the game a lot if multi nurseryand universities had an effect.

In colony wars each nursery/univ will produce a set number. More you have faster you produce workers.

I had a colony game once with 25 nurseries and universities at least.

Offline HaXtOr

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« Reply #13 on: January 22, 2006, 11:39:57 PM »
Just keep to this simple plan
for every residence build one nursery and one university till you almost max out your colonists. then build residences untill the demand is less then 80% and you should be fine
Having multiple nurseries and universities has no effect on the rate of birth and the rate at which workers are trained.
I think it does have an effect, you can train more scientists at once and childeren are born more often

Offline Chevy_Camaro

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« Reply #14 on: January 23, 2006, 01:10:54 AM »
well you can train scientists faster but ive never noticed any real increase in birth rate?

Offline siqueule

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« Reply #15 on: January 23, 2006, 05:22:13 AM »
a film with op2?  (thumbsup)
but you will brought a lot of special effects to do the woman who melt because there is the microbe   :blink:  
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Offline siqueule

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« Reply #16 on: January 23, 2006, 05:24:45 AM »
<_<  errr... I haven't the impression that we speak about the same think...  <_<  
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Offline dm-horus

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« Reply #17 on: January 23, 2006, 07:33:37 AM »
i always suggest having backups of colonist-dependant buildings. in that map meteorites tend to land all over your base so having more than one nursery in another spot gives you some secutiry. having 2 uni to research scientists is very handy. if you are observant enough to notice the rate at which workers become available, you can actually set training up so that at any one time you have at least one free worker to take the place of one that dies, 1 worker about to complete training and 1 worker just beginning training.

OP2_Rules: did my strat work for you? you said you got to mark 5000, does that mean you were successful? i hope it gave you an advantage.

also keep in mind that my strat works well for easy and intermediate difficulties. when you choose hard difficulty there is no meteor shower on the edge of your colony, but you do have enemy units which rove around the map. in a way the hard setting is easier in that regard, however you start the game with no lab, no nursery and no completed research. if you are able to build your colony quickly the hard setting is actually MUCH easier. after i destroyed the units that were present on the map at game start, none more appeared; so if youre looking for a "sandbox" map to build to your hearts content, give it a try on the hard setting and see if you can get your lab built before all your colonists die.

let me know how youre doing.

haxtor: i have noticed a slight increase in birth rate but only at really high mark when ive got 3 splinter colonies with 2 nurseries at each (for redundancy) and even then it was only slightly faster, at least it seemed.

i think this calls for a test, but it requires someone to make a sandbox map. the map would start with 2 nurseries. at game start, shut one of them down and let the game run with no intervention for 10 minutes. record all births, worker creation and their associated mark. start the game over, but leave the all nurseries running. let run for ten minutes. record birth reports and mark. compare.

.... ill consult the mapper wiki and start working on a sandbox map for just this purpose.
« Last Edit: January 23, 2006, 07:40:47 AM by dm-horus »

Offline Arklon

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« Reply #18 on: January 23, 2006, 07:50:32 AM »
haxtor: i have noticed a slight increase in birth rate but only at really high mark when ive got 3 splinter colonies with 2 nurseries at each (for redundancy) and even then it was only slightly faster, at least it seemed.
For one thing, you want to move the hell away from your starting location, it's got too many disasters.

Second of all, Hooman already dissected the code relating to population changes, and having multiple nurseries and universities does NOT increase birth rate and the rate of worker training.

Offline Sirbomber

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« Reply #19 on: January 23, 2006, 08:00:59 AM »
You have more births because you have more people.
"As usual, colonist opinion is split between those who think the plague is a good idea, and those who are dying from it." - Outpost Evening Star

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Offline BlackBox

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« Reply #20 on: January 23, 2006, 08:03:15 AM »
Multiple nurseries will decrease the infant mortality rate (so indirectly you have more 'successful' babies). However, so do Medical Centers, and those decrease the rates for adults too, so you're best to just have Med centers.

However, it doesn't hurt to have multi nurseries if you think one will get destroyed in the heat of battle (and it won't, the AI won't attack a "good" structure).

Offline siqueule

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« Reply #21 on: January 23, 2006, 02:18:14 PM »
Sirbomber has reason: I had play in a training, I have reached approximately 3000 peoples, and the kinds were born by groups of 28!  :op2:
it's exponential! but you're limited by the limit of structures, around 180, the button "build" in the structure factory disappear <_<

 :blink: Dm_horus, what is this history of a vortex who distroy the structure factory? I don't have hear someone about this  :blink:  
« Last Edit: January 23, 2006, 02:21:25 PM by siqueule »
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Offline op2rules

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« Reply #22 on: January 23, 2006, 03:26:03 PM »
YESS! I finally beat it, all i did was at the VERY start, i sent the cinvec with the command center, then i sent a factory structure and built my base from there, i did this within the first 10 mins, then i just took tons of ore and made multiple residences (adv) and medical centers... Other then that i got hit by 2 storms... and caused almost NO dmg! I built a couple of pointless things (due to boredom) and that's mostly it! Oh yeah, and i made a big army also :P I never made a thor hammer dude, so that was a suprize also :D

Thanks for all the help ya'll!
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Offline Leviathan

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« Reply #23 on: January 23, 2006, 03:35:49 PM »
Congratulations :D

Offline Chevy_Camaro

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« Reply #24 on: January 23, 2006, 04:37:55 PM »
meteorites are no problem for eden! besides i had to put my 6 GEOCONS and tons of workers to use... so needless to say i had like 6 meteor defence scattered throughout my base... i think only 1 building was destroyed from a metior... those vortexes however... ugh...