It doesnt really matter what the image is so long as it conforms to the desency rules I specified and that the image is purely original and is easily identified as being from, by, or representative of, the person it is meant to take the place of. If you dont have something like that, make an original drawing of some kind, set it as your forum avatar NOW (so other users can start getting used to seeing it asap) and submit it to me as your image.
If you do not intend to send an actual pic of yourself, that is your only viable option. I dont want the collage filled with screen caps from movies or tv shows or even op2. Think of the collage as a 'class photo'. youre allowed to be a goof, but only within reason. if i dont get enough submissions or people start sending me unusable pics, the collage simply wont happen.
CLARIFICATION: If i get less than 7 pics, I wont waste time making the collage.
I didnt make it impossible to participate, so send in those pics!!!