Author Topic: New Project  (Read 3075 times)

Offline Eddy-B

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« on: October 30, 2005, 04:01:39 PM »
I have successfully designed an Event system that replaces all {normal} Triggers, except for the victory/failure Triggers.

Triggers are derived from ScStub: the base class for all Triggers and Groups. Each gamecycle (there's 25 within each time-mark) every single Trigger is checked, wich slows down OP2 troumendously. I've tested the code that i've written, with upto 100 simultanously running timer-events, without a noticeable slowdown of OP2.
The code is still 'experimental' and mostly undocumented at the moment, but i will upload it soon. Hopefully i can get some time into documenting some of it better. A brief description can be found on the wiki, in the coding section (can't get you the direct link now, since the wiki site is currently still down).

Next step is to create a new Group class that works better than the current one, exported by outpost2. With this new class, i'm planning to implement the weight-system for AI control. In addition, the groups could be programmed to have some more elaborate ways of attacking enemy units. The current FightGroup does have some well working methods, but some of them don't work they way you'd expect, or don't work well at all.

That'll be my next project.
Rule #1:  Eddy is always right
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Outpost : Renegades - - Electronics Pit[/siz

Offline HaXtOr

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« Reply #1 on: October 30, 2005, 08:45:09 PM »
Wow umm... Eddy where do you find the time to do all this?  and how can i help?

Offline Eddy-B

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« Reply #2 on: October 31, 2005, 02:27:02 AM »
Wow umm... Eddy where do you find the time to do all this?
...i don't know either. I spent the last 9 months creating 4 single player missions. On top of that i've worked on 2 sideprojects: Events and the IUnit one. Both to ease the renegades coding.
and how can i help?
...any help is welcome.
« Last Edit: October 31, 2005, 01:04:09 PM by Eddy-B »
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Outpost : Renegades - - Electronics Pit[/siz

Offline Hooman

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« Reply #3 on: October 31, 2005, 03:02:59 AM »
QUOTE (HaXtOr @ Oct 31 2005, 04:45 AM)
and how can i help?

...any help is welcome.

I can't help but notice that's avoiding the question. But then, if someone asked to help me on one of my projects, I probably wouldn't know what to do with them anyways. :(

Offline Eddy-B

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« Reply #4 on: October 31, 2005, 01:02:53 PM »
I can't help but notice that's avoiding the question. But then, if someone asked to help me on one of my projects, I probably wouldn't know what to do with them anyways.
now, it that a positive or negative response... i keep wondering
Rule #1:  Eddy is always right
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Outpost : Renegades - - Electronics Pit[/siz

Offline Hooman

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« Reply #5 on: October 31, 2005, 10:32:29 PM »
now, it that a positive or negative response... i keep wondering
I'm not so sure myself. Organizing teams of coders doesn't seem to be our strong point here though. Not that I have any suggestions. I don't really feel like I have much clue how to go about doing it. But then, I can also get a little overprotective of my code at times. That, and it can be hard to get coders to agree on how something should be done.

I guess some sort of CVS system might help. But then we'd all have to learn how to use one, and well... actually use it ... properly. Hmm, kinda sounds easier than it is.


Offline lordly_dragon

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« Reply #6 on: November 01, 2005, 12:23:49 PM »
this is a true chalenge because everyone got his own coding style so it is hard to really do something together. You can also add the fact that coding in group that are irl related is more easy than our situation.

Running, scrambling, flying
Rolling, turning, diving, going in again
Run, live to fly, fly to live, do or die
Run, live to fly, fly to live. Aces high.

Offline Eddy-B

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« Reply #7 on: November 01, 2005, 01:45:44 PM »
I am not sugguesting working on the same source files/codes, but any help with the project on itself is welcome. I've tried to include others into it with my repair-ai thread, but it only fired up a discussion about what to do first, and who's repair-order was best.
I am not trying to get people to compete against each other, but i am working on a project that will help the community making better and easier missions.

I've worked a couple of weeks on IUnit. I know most of the credit for finding out how it all works goes to hooman, but i was the one to make it into a nice little useable class, without even spilling 1 byte of source code onto the "noob" coder. Two reasons for that: [ol type=\'1\'][li]the code is kinda messy, and hacks into outpost2 pretty bad;[/li][li]for a coding "noob" it might not be easy to understans how it works. This way i save myself the explanations and the source is easily modified to screw up outpost 2 to the point it won't run the missions anymore that use it.[/li][/ol]Same goes for the events-code, that i haven't released yet. Again, no source will be given, only a useable library, that can be compiled into your mission.

This Groups projects is probably a lot more work, and consists of more source files, that could be done by different individuals. The final library will still have to be approved (and modified if necessary), and linked by 1 person.

I haven't started yet; i first want to release Renegades 1.0  B)  
Rule #1:  Eddy is always right
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Outpost : Renegades - - Electronics Pit[/siz

Offline Hooman

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« Reply #8 on: November 01, 2005, 08:20:00 PM »
Sounds like a good plan. I rather like that idea of not having to worry about the source for something. Too many people don't understand what they're doing and make unnecessary mods to core files. Then you just get versioning nightmares, and people come to you asking for help on someone else's mod.  <_<  But on the other hand, I don't see why source can't be made available for the people who actually know what they're doing to use if needed. I just don't know of a good way of releasing something like that.

And yeah, coding in teams can be a real pain. It's knida nice when you can break up a project so someone else can do things other than coding that will help.

Offline HaXtOr

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« Reply #9 on: November 01, 2005, 11:43:32 PM »
I just wish i could see other peoples code. nothing should be hidden from anyone and be made freely available online in a source fourge like place. that way people can look at your code and comment on it if they see a bug or if your doing something wrong