Author Topic: Gas Prices/hurricane  (Read 23548 times)

Offline CK9

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Gas Prices/hurricane
« Reply #25 on: September 09, 2005, 02:21:30 PM »
So your main argument is money?  Money is MEANINGLESS, the curency has no value of it's own.  Losing money in stocks is an every day occerance, big woop!  If you want to make money, buy treasury bonds, they are more reliable than either stocks or banks and have a higher intrest rate than a savings account.  You say big woop to the lives lost, but what of the family members?  They're not going to get over it for a while (unless they are completely emontionless asses).  About the people you think could do a bette job: do you even know how much stress s related to the job of being president?  Every president who came out of office alive had alll the color pigments in their hair killed, and that takes quite a bit.  See, I'd like to see all the people who complain about someone rather than taking some action to correct the situations that are causing them to complain.  Don't try saying they are, 'cause we both know damn well they aren't doing much more than complaining about it.
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Offline Oprime

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Gas Prices/hurricane
« Reply #26 on: September 12, 2005, 08:26:45 AM »
The city I live in had a category 3 hurricane that hit us in 1938 and another hurricane that hit in 1954. Right after the hurricanes they started construction of a hurricane barrier. This thing is huge it has 3 gigantic hydraulic doors and spans about 0.75 miles long including the section that is just a pile of engineered rocks that stop waves. It spans the area of the city that is around 15 feet below sea level. This year they've started work on making it bigger by replacing the rocks with a 4 feet thick wall of reinforced cement that includes about 3 more doors that close the holes made for city auto traffic. Because, of the Katrina hurricane though they’ve decided to spend more money on upgrading its hydraulic and pumping systems. If the people affected by Katrina knew they were going to have such a problem with the fact the city is 20 feet below sea level why didn't they do anything to the same degree that my home town did to prevent so much death.

- Just in case anybody would like to find out more info on this hurricane barrier check out this website
« Last Edit: September 12, 2005, 08:35:08 AM by Oprime »
CPU: AMD Phenom II 940BE
RAM: Patriot Viper 4GB (2GB x2) DDR2 1066Mhz
Motherboard: MSI K9A2 Platinum
Case: Thermaltake Armor Plus+
Power Supply: Themermatake ToughPower 1200Watt PSU
Hard Drive: Fujitsu 15k SAS SCSI 74GB/148GB Raid 0 @ 189MBps
Moniter: LG Flatron 20.1in Widescreen LCD 8ms 1400:1 Contrast ratio w/ F engine
GFX Card: 4 ATI Radeon 4870 1GB GDDR5 CrossFireX
DVD Burners: 2x SONY DVD-RW
Speakers[/b] Logitech Z-5500 505Watt 5.1 Surround
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OS[/b]Windows Vista Home Premium x64
:P I'm a Hardware freak ><

Offline OP2Patriot

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Gas Prices/hurricane
« Reply #27 on: September 12, 2005, 08:40:43 AM »
If the people affected by Katrina would have such a problem with the fact the city is 20 feet below sea level why didn't they do anything to the same degree that my home town did.

Not many people can get reelected saying they enhanced the sea wall. The money that was given to New Orleans was to be spent however the parishes wished, and the money earmarked for the seawalls and levies was spent elsewhere. New Orleans was hit by a Category 4 and they only had the type of defenses that were built to handle a Category 3. Even then, a vast majority of people, including I, before the hurricane, would never have thought this would happen.

The Forbidden Outpost 2 Forum ... they don't want you to know about it.
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Offline lordly_dragon

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Gas Prices/hurricane
« Reply #28 on: September 12, 2005, 04:00:08 PM »

Panda has to make a re-introduction for this.

Firstly - Pointed at the second to last poster -

I'm sure quite a few of us COULD do better than our current president in office. However none of us (ok one that I know of) are 35 years old, and can legally run for president.

We're basing our prior accuasations on the mistakes he's made in the past. When you're messing around with a country, you can't afford to make mistakes, or 'screw up' every now and then. No chances.

Our current moronic president got re-elected because of an influx of individuals wishing to end this war. Not because he did a good job the first time. And if you do recall by the margin that he won? And recounts don't mean crap, floridians are slow.

This hurricane destroyed me economically. Fuel refieries in the south were obliterated, and seeing as I had a few thousand in such refineries, when they were  devastated, I felt it. I had three thousand in them, and now it's worth $125. And dropping constantly. Don't complain about gas when my father had $10k invested in the oil sector that he said is now about $1.2k. Thank all things holy that this isn't money we NEEDED, yet it's money noneteless. Pair that with the fact that our company now almost increased it's travel costs by .33 precent, and our clientel' are feeling it in the checkbook. Pair all THAT with the fact that when people don't want to pay you, they won't. And they'll wait for me to take legal action. Which means money in legal fees.

Yeah, sure, big WOOP, people died in Lousiana, that's going to happen. Name one historically relevant disaster that didn't kill anyone. Whether it's 12 people, or 2000, they died. But economically this will prove to be one of the most influential disasters of the decade. easily.

Not to mention the gas prices that WILL remain this high. NO doubt in my mind. Supply and demand is in effect here. In a different sense. We demand more, and the supply is low,  then prices are raised. When homeostasis resumes, and the prices per barrel drop, retailers will NOT drop their priceses to fit. What's the point? When they can keep making cash at $3~ a gallon, why drop it to where its' supposed to be?

~ Panda -

By the by, I had figured I"d have more time here when school started, but.. I digress, time's being sucked like a mofo. If you wanna talk to me, holla @ aiight?

Panda - Out
the best example for this is when bush gain the true power he just trash what clinton worked on like kioto and those thing....

Running, scrambling, flying
Rolling, turning, diving, going in again
Run, live to fly, fly to live, do or die
Run, live to fly, fly to live. Aces high.

Offline CK9

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Gas Prices/hurricane
« Reply #29 on: September 12, 2005, 04:15:42 PM »
oprime, is it anything like the sea-wall the Dutch put up on their costal towns?  If so, they should look to more improvements than just hydrolics
CK9 in outpost
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Offline OP2Patriot

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Gas Prices/hurricane
« Reply #30 on: September 12, 2005, 04:35:27 PM »
the best example for this is when bush gain the true power he just trash what clinton worked on like kioto and those thing....

Clinton was a disgrace to the presidency.

Also, about Kyoto ... you don't know what you are talking about.

Bush did not trash it. The Senate defeated it in a 99-0 vote. Unianimous. Kyoto would hinder our industry and take us a step further to the stone age, just like the rest of environmentalist extremist policy.

Please have some solid facts next time you try to trash Bush.

The Forbidden Outpost 2 Forum ... they don't want you to know about it.
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Offline Oprime

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Gas Prices/hurricane
« Reply #31 on: September 16, 2005, 10:01:39 AM »
:heh: I was reading the website that I had posted again and found I did make a small mistake. It has 5 hydraulic pumps not doors. The doors themselves use the same system that boats use to travel in the Mississippi river (except on steroids :P) that use a chain system to raise and lower the doors. The doors would close in front and to the rear of the boat, fill the closed area with water, then open the door in front of the boat. Each of the 5 pumps uses a single intake chamber. More pumps are going to be added that pump water taken from behind the doors and walls and back to the sea. I did a report on the hurricane barrier when I was in the 8th grade so I forgot lots of information. 1 thing I do remember from a tour I took with my family for the report was that the power plant that’s to the right of where the hurricane doors still shows signs of water damage from the 1938 hurricane. The water level rose up to 20 feet and destroyed all the power generation equipment in side. In the 1980's (I think it was the 1980’s ><) the power plant was put back in to action and changed from a coal plant to a CH4 plant that uses 3 super changed jet engines to turn the turbines that produce the power. The methane that the engines use is from a landfill thats about 5 miles away. The engines are cooled from water taken in from the hurricane barrier pumps cooled and then released back to the sea. Man I loved that tour. The nose inside that place was crazy and I got to see the control room where they had this 14' x 5' screen that shows all the current weather radar information for the entire country. I think they use it to predict how much electricity we are going to use so they can slow/speedup the engines to produce more/less electricity. I'm getting a little bit off topic so, I'll stop for now lol.
« Last Edit: September 16, 2005, 10:05:55 AM by Oprime »
CPU: AMD Phenom II 940BE
RAM: Patriot Viper 4GB (2GB x2) DDR2 1066Mhz
Motherboard: MSI K9A2 Platinum
Case: Thermaltake Armor Plus+
Power Supply: Themermatake ToughPower 1200Watt PSU
Hard Drive: Fujitsu 15k SAS SCSI 74GB/148GB Raid 0 @ 189MBps
Moniter: LG Flatron 20.1in Widescreen LCD 8ms 1400:1 Contrast ratio w/ F engine
GFX Card: 4 ATI Radeon 4870 1GB GDDR5 CrossFireX
DVD Burners: 2x SONY DVD-RW
Speakers[/b] Logitech Z-5500 505Watt 5.1 Surround
CPU Heatsink[/b]ZeroTerm NV120
OS[/b]Windows Vista Home Premium x64
:P I'm a Hardware freak ><

Offline thablkpanda

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Gas Prices/hurricane
« Reply #32 on: September 18, 2005, 08:24:44 PM »
This is why I don't carry on conversations relating to politics in public view. CK9, I haven't met you, nor have we ever spoken prior to now, howerver I can tell we have very different political views.

Don't tell me currency has no value, because that's a lie. Currency is what this world revolves around, and saying different would be lying to yourself.

Saying that the presidency is a difficult job, and it causes hair discoloration, is utter insanity. That's no basis for argument. If the president can't intellectually handle the stress of the job, that's his problem.

Currency is the basis of all problems on this planet. Name one issue that's not caused or related to money. Talk about nonsense.

Don't tell me what happens to money 'everyday' whereas 'everyone's' 'everyday' problems I couldn't care less about. I was merely stating my position on this argument, as most people were, before you started agressively slamming my political views, along with my economical status.

Can we please return this topic to the issue two weeks past? Hurricane Katrina's aftereffects? Or must we continue banter like children over something this meaningless in such a time.


Offline BlackBox

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Gas Prices/hurricane
« Reply #33 on: September 19, 2005, 02:08:43 PM »
I think he was saying that currency (the paper itself) has very little value. But yes, it is representative of value.

Anyway, the flaming is going to have to stop, or I'll have to close this thread. Let's get back on topic and have a respectful debate, not a flame war.

Offline selfdestruct

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Gas Prices/hurricane
« Reply #34 on: September 21, 2005, 10:52:44 AM »
here comes rita and im extremmly woried if this goes to texas the us is screwed 1/4 of refines are in texes i dont want to even imagine what that will do to the economy. i still miss driving my powerful cars now im stuck with my neon , i want a substitute for gasoline then the middle easy can go #### them selves and on a side note bush is an idiot and he also has friend who are in high places in buessiness of the oil .