
Would a Outpost MOD on Warcraft III work out well?

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Author Topic: A Outpost MOD On Warcraft III  (Read 11429 times)

Offline Freeza-CII

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« Reply #25 on: December 23, 2005, 03:38:26 AM »
i dont think there was a problem of when some one joined.  hmm They posted stuff about the OP3 as a example or they posted it to say there there isnt a need to make a op2 mod because there making a OP3.  which ever it is.  It is there opinion and there was no flame to it so its ok.  And its wasnt a shameless post to just get people to look at there project.

true there is some bickering. But stuff would never get done with out a little bickering.

A OP2 mod would be nice but i dont like wc3 as well as a few others too.  Not to mention 1/3 of the people here dont have the computer powerful enough to even run wc3.

But no one is stopping any one.

Offline dm-horus

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« Reply #26 on: December 23, 2005, 06:38:23 AM »
when i find a box of p4's im mailing them out.

Offline lordly_dragon

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« Reply #27 on: December 23, 2005, 03:14:23 PM »
i dont think there was a problem of when some one joined.  hmm They posted stuff about the OP3 as a example or they posted it to say there there isnt a need to make a op2 mod because there making a OP3.  which ever it is.  It is there opinion and there was no flame to it so its ok.  And its wasnt a shameless post to just get people to look at there project.

true there is some bickering. But stuff would never get done with out a little bickering.

A OP2 mod would be nice but i dont like wc3 as well as a few others too.  Not to mention 1/3 of the people here dont have the computer powerful enough to even run wc3.

But no one is stopping any one.
huh here is my comment about that

first point: warcraft III run over a p2 400 mgz a massive 128 ram (ok i may not talk about multiplayer) and its run clean nice and well if you got a cpu before the p2 era... well invest a little to get something better because you would prolly lag at op2 enyway...

second point:
i dont like wc3 as well as a few others too.

who ever said it would just... LOOK like warcraft 3 ... or the gameplay etc... wc3 was a fair game but i must admit its never hooked me but if we just use the basic engine of it.. the gameplay may be tweaked for be OPish style

end of my point.

again i say it when someone submit a project we should begin by what is possible first... and let me say it convention go in hell maybe add some new fresh air to the project and be less conservative would offer great to the community.

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Offline leeor_net

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« Reply #28 on: December 23, 2005, 05:40:26 PM »
If you're a true gamer you wouldn't bother with P4's. Intel never did fix the stalling bug in them and so they continue to be crap.

AMD all the way, baby.

Forgot to mention:

Lordly is half right, WCIII requires a PIII running with at least Win98/64MB RAM, 300MB's HDD space and any graphics card.

If you can't match that then you need a new/newer computer and there's no debating that fact.

ALso, WCIII is just a base engine. You may not like WCIII but there are far more people that like WCIII than there are that like OP2. So again, my point is that if you can extend OP2 into another engine that is still commonly and frequently played today than you have a good chance of expanding everything.
« Last Edit: December 23, 2005, 05:42:32 PM by leeor_net »

Offline dm-horus

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« Reply #29 on: December 24, 2005, 01:22:41 AM »
exactly. thats why its more likely that i would find a box of workable p4's.

Offline Leviathan

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« Reply #30 on: December 24, 2005, 06:27:29 AM »
I agree Leeor its just we dont have that many ppl in the comunity to work on stuff and a total convertion mod for any game is a lot of work.

Offline lordly_dragon

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« Reply #31 on: December 25, 2005, 01:00:06 AM »
yea but levi to be honest you are a conservative guy about op2. Indeed its a lot of work but what is different beetween you and ppl who bring fresh idea

you: well yea i think about it but meh no too mutch job and op2 rox like that

fresh man idea: maybe its a lot of work why dont we do it it would be long but at the end we could have a better game and atract more ppl.

so basicly what im say you are okay with the progress but tend to be pro-op2 current modification than new fresh project like the wc3 stated above

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Offline leeor_net

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« Reply #32 on: December 25, 2005, 12:19:44 PM »
Lordly, I couldn't have said it better myself.

OP2 is indeed an awesome game... but no one cares anymore. Well, not like when it first came out.

That's part of the reason I wanted to do OP3. If it's good enough they will come... hopefully in droves...  (thumbsup)

But back to reality, true. We don't have a lot of people to do things but it only takes a group of 4 users really to create a total conversion. A skilled programmer, a skilled 3D artist, a skilled 2D artists and someone to do maps/missions/story/etc. If you have that then you've got yourself a project.

Offline lordly_dragon

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« Reply #33 on: December 26, 2005, 02:48:36 PM »
you forgot the sound in your statement about required people  :rolleyes: but i guess it is just an extra..  :P  

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Offline leeor_net

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« Reply #34 on: December 28, 2005, 03:29:22 PM »
Whoops. Sorry... but that's a given!  :heh:  

Offline Betaray

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« Reply #35 on: December 28, 2005, 04:07:33 PM »
hell my computer dosnt even have a graphics card and it can play WC3 on full rez :D

im all for it, the more diverse the op2 universe, the more people it will attract into the community, wich will give us more people with good ideas and skills, thus helping us build more projects, its a self building system

but it has to start somewhere
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Offline leeor_net

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« Reply #36 on: February 11, 2006, 10:01:34 AM »
I'm not volunteering to work full time on such a project. I just can't (I'm having a hard enough time finding time to work on OP3 let alone OP:MIA). BUT, I am offering to help point people in the right direction, I am offering to contribute whatever graphics and models I have available to me (and I'm sure the rest of the OP3 Team would agree with me on this one), I am offering to help with interface graphics and I'm offering to help find non-opu members who would be interested in contributing to the project.  I have my connections and I have my networks.

The question now is reaching back out to neo_drol and showing him that there's more interest in his idea than it would have first appeared. I tried e-mailing him awhile back and I got a response... I've since lost my main outpostmia@yahoo.com account (I don't know what happened... the password changed and I can't retrieve anything else).

I think the biggest question now is find the people in THIS community who WANT to help with such a project. Get that together. Then, I can help find others outside OPU who can fill in the missing pieces (e.g., programming, sound, etc.)

Offline Tellaris

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« Reply #37 on: February 11, 2006, 07:29:59 PM »
For the record, any version of OP2 in any way, shape or from, I'm willing to play/bug test/beta/alpha/whatever test, and provide as much details on any problems I experience with it.
A war 3 mod would be nice.   I like War 3, this would just make it better...   I've played around with their map editor, and I can already tell it wouldn't be difficult to change a lot, they provide a fair amount of options.   Leeor has a point.   You want it, you do it.   Dosn't matter what anyone else thinks, you are doing it for you.   If others like it, then fine!   Great!   Maybe you can market the idea somehow!   If others do not, then nuts to them.   If you are looking for public approval, you are doing it for the wrong reasons.   You should do it because you want it, not because some other asinine person thinks it can't be done.   Though showing people up is always fun :)
« Last Edit: February 11, 2006, 07:30:44 PM by Baikon »
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Offline Nightmare24148

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« Reply #38 on: February 12, 2006, 01:34:02 PM »
Tubes would be hard to do though...

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Offline Anima_Vex

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« Reply #39 on: February 12, 2006, 02:57:56 PM »
True. It could probably be made as a building with a low construction speed, though. However, when the time comes, we can deal with that.

I agree with leeor: Warcraft III is a great game for doing many things. The Map Editor makes things quite easy to make basic maps and campaigns (I've tried, but made nothing complete since I've had too much school stuff to do), but there are special editors made by the real pros of it that allow you to tinker with the inner workings of the game. I can help, since I know a bit of it, and I'm a good writer and map maker. However, there is one big problem: I really don't think  many people know that much about the WC3 Editing, so we could either ask people that know, or just learn as we go.

Levi, just say yes. You know you want more people to know about OP2, right? ('Cause this might actually get some people to try it, and maybe even help in the creation of other OP games! Yay!)
Wannabe Novelist, Drawer, Anime Style, and all-around creative insane person. I also like to study tactics... but RTC games aren't exactly easy to watch for such things... we don't actually think as much as we should, and that's why I love TBS games. However, that doesn't mean I don't like RTCs!

Offline leeor_net

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« Reply #40 on: February 12, 2006, 05:30:38 PM »
Tubes would be hard to do though...

That depends entirely on the tools and source code available. If Blizzard is anything like id Software, they would have released some source code for a gamex86.dll type file (and so far Blizzard hasn't been so kind to us with previous games).

BUT, as the past has shown, Blizzard did not make it particularly difficult to modify a game. I'm no expert on WCIII modification but I get the distinct feeling that there is at least one forum that exists somewhere on the 'net dedicated to WCIII modification...


That's probably the best place to start. Again, I can't exactly go and start modding WCIII... I don't have the time. But this is a good place to start I'm sure.

In fact, here's another site hosting various MOD's:


Offline Stormy

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« Reply #41 on: February 12, 2006, 07:16:28 PM »
For the record, any version of OP2 in any way, shape or from, I'm willing to play/bug test/beta/alpha/whatever test, and provide as much details on any problems I experience with it.
A war 3 mod would be nice.   I like War 3, this would just make it better...   I've played around with their map editor, and I can already tell it wouldn't be difficult to change a lot, they provide a fair amount of options.   Leeor has a point.   You want it, you do it.   Dosn't matter what anyone else thinks, you are doing it for you.   If others like it, then fine!   Great!   Maybe you can market the idea somehow!   If others do not, then nuts to them.   If you are looking for public approval, you are doing it for the wrong reasons.   You should do it because you want it, not because some other asinine person thinks it can't be done.   Though showing people up is always fun :)

I say, Go for it! :D

(if you need help with models be sure to let me know)
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Offline Anima_Vex

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« Reply #42 on: February 14, 2006, 10:44:50 AM »
Actually, on a different side note, I've learned that we could actually make a campaign in which there isn't only one map in the mission, but there is multiple maps. With that, you can actually, make it so that you could move from one region to another in one mission. I can't really explain it very well, but it's shown in the WC3 Bonus Missions. Baikon, can you help me out a bit? I think you might know how to explain it a bit better...

On yet another note, there's also a type of script taht allows for special modification of different things in the game... Something like JAZZ or something similar to it.

Anyone mind to ask Baikon to pop up over here and help me out?
Wannabe Novelist, Drawer, Anime Style, and all-around creative insane person. I also like to study tactics... but RTC games aren't exactly easy to watch for such things... we don't actually think as much as we should, and that's why I love TBS games. However, that doesn't mean I don't like RTCs!

Offline Tellaris

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« Reply #43 on: February 14, 2006, 10:48:58 PM »
All they did to have multiple missions on the same map, was have everything already there, and you just switch ownership of units/structures via scripting.   While you can create units on demand you can just place everything, then use the triggers.   I'll have the commands down momentairily for you.
To change ownership...

Create Trigger, we will call it Example Trigger for this.

First, you will want to create an Event.   For this, we will give the player 2 Ghouls for reaching a location.   For this, we need to create a "Region."   Go to Layers Menu, select Region.   Create a small region in where you wish the player to be.   Name it "Trigger Giver" or something discriptive for its purpose.   Simply you can just go to "Unit - Unit Enters Location." Set this to the REGION.   Alternatively, you can specify a unit, in this case usually a hero.   However, its simply easier to use a nonspecific unit.   To force a specific unit, use the Condition option, however you can just leave this section blank.
The last you want, is what its action will be.   Set it to Unit - Change Owner.   Set the unit (can be a structure) and give the ownership to the player you want to have it.   Screenshots of this order are below.

To modify individual units, just use the unit modification menu!   Reread the post, but I'm not deleteing the above at this time (unless asked to)
To do this...   Select a unit.
At the very top, you see several lines named "Art"   Change it to something else to change the associated picture (such as a lynx.  It must be a valid file.)   You will want to create an icon (as this is simply how War3 works, if you use the basic interface.)    I'm not a graphics artist, if some one can provide the images, I can work it in for you.   Its the Object Editor.

Your Pig Peasent.

Ah hell, I really need to learn how to read.

Theres your next level.

While I have messed around with the editor, I by no means have the skills to do any art work, and I have no idea how to change the tile set and projectile animations (I imagine via the unit menu)   As for the ingame screen, I have no bloody clue how to change the resources from wood and gold to "Common and Rare", nor do I have any idea on how to make beacons work.   I'm not a programmer, I just know how to work their triggers, and what to look for.   I can make the units alright, thats not difficult.   (Except for the ESG and EMP, those work in a method I do not know how to emulate.   EMP maybe by using the same spell as the Sleep, but changing the resulting animation)

I also do not have the time to do the work for this, between school and my job, I don't have a huge amount of free time.   And I've now edited this post 6 times!   I'm done with this tonight.
« Last Edit: February 14, 2006, 11:45:03 PM by Baikon »
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Offline Ezekel

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« Reply #44 on: February 15, 2006, 09:32:55 AM »
if its not too late to add my 2 cents,
i doubt it'd make for a good mod as op2 is an RTS-army/colony game whereas WC3 is an RTS-skirmish.

for one thing, being restricted from 32 units per selection to just 12 would suck.

then again, i've seen some nice mods done for wc3. personally though i think you'd be better off using the C&Cgenerals engine instead as its more stream lined for the type of game that op2 is.

there are a couple of good examples that come to mind, one would be:
another (whose link i have mislaid right now) completely changes the resource collection system to that of C&C:tiberian dawn as well as adding several factions, units.
there's also one that has a "food" and supply route addition out there somewhere.

in other words, its quite powerful.
also being newer then WC3, there's a bigger base of active modders and skinners around who can give you advice and answer questions.
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Offline Betaray

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« Reply #45 on: February 15, 2006, 06:58:38 PM »
CC would also be a great canidate for an op2 mod, and frankly in the perfact conditions I would say we should make an op2 mod for every game we can, but of corse we are constrained by time and manpower

so I think we should work on the one deemed easiest to do, and hopefully that will bring in more of a fan base to help with other mods
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« Reply #46 on: February 16, 2006, 05:49:28 PM »
i suppose.
still i think C&C would give a better resulting mod, and therefore attract more peoples
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Offline Vexhare

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« Reply #47 on: February 17, 2006, 10:34:03 AM »
Not well, not really. Would be novel to play though, maybe a little interesting.

Offline Isolocis

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« Reply #48 on: May 16, 2006, 05:36:46 PM »
No way.  Just no way.  Outpost 3 Genesis is already being worked on.  But please, not mods.

Because this means that everyone has to get a copy of Warcraft 3.  But not everyone can afford or even want to purchase the game.  I tried to introduce Alien Swarm to a friend, but he did not have Unreal Tournament 2004.

If someone started the mod, a large, tall tree will fall on them.
« Last Edit: May 16, 2006, 09:56:57 PM by Isolocis »

Offline Anima_Vex

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« Reply #49 on: May 16, 2006, 08:52:49 PM »
Oh, zip it. You're not understanding it: To gain more attention.

This would most probably be an attempt to bring more attention to OP2 and, later on, OP3. Anyways, you don't need to play it. For those who have WC3, good. Those who don't, get it if you want. Those who don't want to get it, then forget it. But don't put down a perfectly good (albeit hard to implement) idea, ALRIGHT?!

God, I don't understand why people just say idiotic things like:
If someone started the mod, a large, tall tree will fall on them."

That is just a complete waste of time. As well as a completely one-sided mind. Do you understand now?

(I respect your ideas and all, but please do not flame against anything. It's just not a nice thing to do, 'kay? Especially to a game that some people in this forum like)

Edit 1: Oh right. Just remembered: Someone said on the first page or so something that got me right in the heart. Love you, Horus.

this place could use some fresh ideas and if nothing else, a wc3 mod would at least get the word out about op2. whether or not it bombs is a risk everybody here takes anyway (op3).
« Last Edit: May 16, 2006, 08:54:47 PM by Anima_Vex »
Wannabe Novelist, Drawer, Anime Style, and all-around creative insane person. I also like to study tactics... but RTC games aren't exactly easy to watch for such things... we don't actually think as much as we should, and that's why I love TBS games. However, that doesn't mean I don't like RTCs!