Author Topic: Op2 Coding Contest  (Read 4853 times)

Offline BlackBox

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Op2 Coding Contest
« on: July 12, 2005, 11:35:13 AM »
Well, I thought of a new idea to get people interested in OP2 coding. It's a coding contest.

To enter you have to create a new La Corrida with better AI, and if you want, better map setup, and submit your source code before August 10, 2005 at 12am GMT.

A more detailed description and contest rules can be found here. Read before submitting!

The place to upload your contest entry can be found here.

The winner will get an icon in their forum profile that appears to the left of every post they make, and their new mission will be put into the next OP2 update.

So come on, and get making some good OP2 missions!

Have fun, and good luck!
« Last Edit: July 12, 2005, 11:37:39 AM by op2hacker »

Offline Eddy-B

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« Reply #1 on: July 12, 2005, 11:37:29 AM »
...can i play ... ?  :D
Rule #1:  Eddy is always right
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Offline BlackBox

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« Reply #2 on: July 12, 2005, 11:38:07 AM »
Anyone who wants may enter.

Offline zanco

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Op2 Coding Contest
« Reply #3 on: July 12, 2005, 06:23:56 PM »
Good idea.
A new challenge. You can count me in!
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Offline TH300

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Op2 Coding Contest
« Reply #4 on: July 13, 2005, 10:31:27 AM »
well.. I think I'll try to make something.

One question: what will happen with the non-winning missions? I don't want to work hard on an AI that will never be used, although its actually good enough (just not the best).

Offline Eddy-B

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« Reply #5 on: July 13, 2005, 11:31:01 AM »
Any single-player (COLONY) AI missions can be included with Renegades - i still wanted to have some colony games inthere anyways.
Multi-player... i can't help there... gotta ask the op2hacker! :P
Rule #1:  Eddy is always right
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Offline BlackBox

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« Reply #6 on: July 13, 2005, 11:31:12 AM »
Well, I didn't really have anything in mind for the non winners. However maybe there could be a 2nd, 3rd place winner or maybe the public could judge which one of the non-winning ones is the best, to decide those places.

I could work something like that if you wanted.

And yeah, since it's a multi missions maybe the 2nd / 3rd places could still be included, but only in the "extra" pack. (The winner would go in all the OP2 multi downloads, the 2nd/3rd just in the extra multi maps / complete downloads).
« Last Edit: July 13, 2005, 11:32:32 AM by op2hacker »

Offline Hooman

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« Reply #7 on: July 13, 2005, 02:29:46 PM »
Regardless of the outcome of the challenge, I can't see a good polished level being wasted. I'm sure if you do a good job, your level will be made available to play. Especially if it fits what the challenge calls for. Seems like a lot of people would like to play such a level.

Offline xamlit

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Op2 Coding Contest
« Reply #8 on: July 15, 2005, 03:39:46 PM »
Heh.. I don't have uber jedi coding skills like you guys do...soz... Whats the point going up against the likes of Eddy and Hooman? Lol. I think we need a more comprehensive wiki Lol.. How about making the source public from any AI map created so we can have some examples. Because quit frankly, I only have like 1 1/2 hours a day to screw around with programming and I don't even hop right on it. Its frustrating when you spend 75 minutes tring to figure out the right format because of lack of examples and I quickly loose disinterest.

Offline Eddy-B

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« Reply #9 on: July 15, 2005, 04:38:45 PM »
How about making the source public from any AI map created so we can have some examples. Because quit frankly, I only have like 1 1/2 hours a day to screw around with programming and I don't even hop right on it. Its frustrating when you spend 75 minutes tring to figure out the right format because of lack of examples and I quickly loose disinterest.
You have a point
I've been trying my best in explaining basic AI functionality (like groups, triggers etc) - but not many examples yet.
If i get the chance i'll cook up some examples. As for "running up against the likes of Eddy and Hooman" .. i don't know about Hooman - but i'm not entering this contest. I WILL make some new library, but this will not compete in the coding contest, and i will refuse a 'price' of any kind, since i believe it should go to one of the not-so-experienced coders.

The purpose of this contest is to get other people working on some mission-coding, so please do enter, and if you can't make it work right away, don't be afraid to ask questions. I'm quite busy lately, but i'm checking the forum almost every day
Rule #1:  Eddy is always right
Rule #2: If you think he's wrong, see rule #1

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Offline Hooman

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« Reply #10 on: July 15, 2005, 06:38:43 PM »
Yes, actually I've never really had any intention of entering either. I kinda figure this should be more of a contest to get other people trying things out. Besides, I'm much too busy with my other OP2 related projects. (That and the kind of mission I've been hoping to eventually write doesn't exactly fit the contest restrictions).

Edit: Btw, not everything is really completely understood about the AI related functions. Which I guess kinda makes this contest interesting since you might be the first to actually figure something out.

Of course, with that said, someone on here generaly knows something about any given part, so if you have specific questions feel free to post. Hopefully someone can answer. Of course, you'll probably have to be fairly specific about what you're trying to do, or what you're trying to use. A general question like "how do I write an AI" is much too vague to get a useful answer. (Or even a not so useful answer for that matter.  :unsure: ). Besides, with a million possible answers, how can someone decide on a correct one to give you? They probably just won't answer.
« Last Edit: July 15, 2005, 06:45:56 PM by Hooman »

Offline Ezekel

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Op2 Coding Contest
« Reply #11 on: July 22, 2005, 03:54:31 PM »
probably a bit late for my 2 cents, but i kinda think it would make more sense to not have put a limit on which map was used as long as it had an AI player in it or something.

then you wouldn't end up with many variations of the same map

therefore all entries would be able to become a mappack or something *shrug*
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Offline Hooman

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« Reply #12 on: July 22, 2005, 05:14:56 PM »
Not such a bad idea actually. Maybe Hacker will amend the rules? Of course, he's away for a few weeks.

Offline xamlit

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« Reply #13 on: July 23, 2005, 11:01:24 AM »
Or you could. ;-)

So just to see who is participating can you guys let us know by posting something?

Offline TH300

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« Reply #14 on: July 23, 2005, 04:13:25 PM »
I am participating.
I'm however not sure if I can finish the AI in time, because its not first priority for me.

Since I've already started developement, another map isn't an option for me.

Offline Hooman

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« Reply #15 on: July 23, 2005, 09:07:10 PM »
Or you could. ;-)
I don't exactly have write access to any webpages. In paticular, I don't have write access to the ones Hacker posted the contest details on. Plus, since he was the one that proposed the contest, I'd feel pretty odd about editing his rules on him.

Offline xamlit

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Op2 Coding Contest
« Reply #16 on: July 24, 2005, 08:34:41 PM »
Or you could. ;-)
I don't exactly have write access to any webpages. In paticular, I don't have write access to the ones Hacker posted the contest details on. Plus, since he was the one that proposed the contest, I'd feel pretty odd about editing his rules on him.
Twas a joke.

Offline Eddy-B

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« Reply #17 on: July 25, 2005, 12:59:43 PM »
Or you could. ;-)
I don't exactly have write access to any webpages. In paticular, I don't have write access to the ones Hacker posted the contest details on. Plus, since he was the one that proposed the contest, I'd feel pretty odd about editing his rules on him.
Twas a joke.
You should know by now jokes are taken very seriously here :P
Rule #1:  Eddy is always right
Rule #2: If you think he's wrong, see rule #1

Outpost : Renegades - - Electronics Pit[/siz

Offline Hooman

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« Reply #18 on: July 25, 2005, 01:41:20 PM »
Yes, it was not clearly marked with a Joke directive. :P

Offline Tellaris

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Op2 Coding Contest
« Reply #19 on: July 27, 2005, 05:54:46 AM »
What one probobly needs to know is the basic triggers to get AI to do stuff...   "Create Structure Kit, Load it, Build it, CreateUnit (and have it repeat properly, and detect if that unit is destroyed) as well as groups.   Also, how to have ore trucks move around (for fanciness).   If you know the trigger types, shouldn't be too hard to do, Sierra did it ALL with triggers.
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Offline HaXtOr

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« Reply #20 on: July 28, 2005, 09:23:28 AM »
Moogle needs more time to work on this :-P

Offline HaXtOr

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« Reply #21 on: August 01, 2005, 11:37:35 AM »
running out of ideas / enthusiasm for this ....

my code

Offline TH300

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Op2 Coding Contest
« Reply #22 on: August 08, 2005, 09:10:18 AM »
I am no longer working on this AI.

The reason is not that this is too diffuclt for me. In fact I have learned quite a bit of op2 coding while working on it.
I have also many good ideas to put into it.
The problem is, I'm also working on other Outpost related projects. As I see it these other projects are more important for our Community than a new AI for one single map that will anyway be coded by someone.
We don't need multiple La Co AIs.
I do generally not like the idea of one person working on something that would become much better if a team worked on it.

Good luck though to those who are still working on this.
« Last Edit: August 08, 2005, 09:11:43 AM by TH300 »