A few bugs have been uncovered in v1.0.0 of OPUTool as well as its installer.
The following problems have been fixed:
- WIKI Button in the main toolbar opens properly
- Clicking on File -> Start Connection no longer causes OPUTool to crash.
- 'Register with OPU' has been moved under the Help Menu and now directs to the correct registration page
- Extra tabs in the Option Configuration Dialog have been removed.
- OP:GENESIS project has been added to the QuickLinks menu
- The installer now uses a different compression method. This should correct the problem where the installer hangs part-way through the installation on some machines.
Direct Download: oputool_setup_eng_1.0.1.exeFor more information on OPUTool and this current release, please visit the OPUTool home page:
http://tool.outpostuniverse.netor visit the following Forum Topic:
http://forum.outpostuniverse.net/index.ph...t=0entry35102Thank you and Enjoy!