Likeing the current look
As you mentoned the WON type thing, you should use API calls to navigate the OP2 menus, so a join button takes you to the join menu where you can enter the game ip, and host buton on the tool takes you to the host meu where you can chose game type and player number.
WD should be one of the buttons.
IRC window needs to be sizeable.
Like mIRC should be able to show all current windows in a tabs list on the side or on top.
Server selection should be removed, just have it connect to quakenet, but you should have be able to select the differnet quakenet servers. So people can chose one closest to there location.
Email entry should be removed.. just set it to or somthing.
Should have check boxes to join the 4 channels, have the box to #outpost2 disabled as people should allways be there. The other 3 channels, have check boxes.# to auto join them.
Option for on/off window flash when message recived, for channel(s) and pm's.
Have arrow button next to private message text box which shows on/off that box.
Remove change channel box on irc view.
Set own nick to be in user set color.
Set irc font selectable.
If IRC is allready open you shouldnt be able to 'start a new chat' and connect again to quakenet, disable that.
Add code for auto rejoin channel on kick, and auto reconect to server on d/c..
Could you possible have a seprate window for quakenets MOTD ? this aint that importiant but its nice. Also then you could have a option for 'hide qnet motd' in settings.
Maybe we could have a Tool MOTD, reads a text file from server and shows it in program.
Also does anyone have the skills to make some nice custom images for the buttons?