tayness, here's the whole story so far:
One day i woke to find my dog ate my math homework, but garrett said, "Let's play OP2." The Dog said, "ruff ruff ruff" so i rushed to the bathroom to hurl up my pancreas and hit the ground in the air.
6000 feet above an anvil fell and Daffy Duck screamed from his pine-needle covered butt. The pain was so excruciating with green goop that he choked on salty nuts while he banged his head on a giant, pink USB modem dongle while thinking of Knights of NI and smoking a carrot shaped cigarette with Bugs Bunny and Elmer Fud not to mention CK9. While smoking the two found no plz thx of common sence. Apple pies are carrot hand bags, Russians, and cheeses (limberger and swiss). Chesses tast like scrumptious, super delicious cheese. And Betaray goes off topic in a cheese toliet. But Leviathan was being bad and banned Baikon from IRV and from pooping in the mind of my mother. then CK9 and Leviathan were messing around on pie and fractures land rush thereby adding
much dorkness to something that took a turn for the flabbergast.
Just then a gaint purple cow fell out of the hand of God. Then God said to himself, "i can't eat good beef" and milked the FREAKING purple COW with a spoon he farted on Saint Peter's head with carrots, handbages, cheese, Russians, toliets, spigs of lettuce, and a rusty spork than many swore to eat hippos not with a knife or chop sticks but he was drunk beyond his wildest dreams of zinging and zagging purple and blue. Luckily i was eating a coach roach as a splatter of CK9 came and impaled it. The sound was enjoyable as the goat who got pulled on Leviathan's under pants, and caused a rath large yet enjoyable rash that hacker was scrathching with a picled and an unusually large hamseter whell containting a dead hippo brain in a semi-human body with a large middle finger, used a chess piece that was unusual b/c it had a large pink spot of goo on the upper lefthand corner. So a large banana started attacking zigzagjoe so he ran th lev's house where he started to suck on lev's big toe in a disturbing pair of shoes "Whoa," he said b/c he sat on a snail.
The snail died and exploded in a huge mushroom that hacker ate w/ lev's curry. Lev got mad and got xfir to mourn the loss of ur french fries from planet woom-zipppie-macawca so he cooked rats marinaded in radioactive purlple goop that doorknobed the great pasta-sauce. Hooman didn't wnat to smoke Lev at sprinting because he had too much pie and a goider. He then built a giant boot made from raw red eagle blood and blue mouse balls for computer which expoloded into leviathan's mouth, leaving a jiggly blue hairy ugly octopuss brushing its teeth in zig's butt and blew up his own C4 in a can and blasted the gerbil out of the rodent canon.
By this point Plym was tired and decided to eat monkey biscuts which tasted like Kentucky fried chicken dipped in cow entrails with some chocolate coating bugs from planet Ticlid. After, he decided to take it back home. Then a Communist spoon organized a revolution with the forks against the capitalists and was sad for the salad and the knives who weren't included in the box. Then the giant head banging weasel kicked and stomped lev's brains out.
The lemon pie tastes very good in cactus juice from planet Bellybutton.