welp... i'm not online on irc much cos i'm usually not on a the computer anymore...
and when i am its only for maybe 10 mins, and then i have to go do something like work/homework
...and BTW, DoW isn't really that good IMHO, i played it and then clocked it... can't be bothered to play it online though, just doesn't seem worth it.
ok the graphics are good, and its cool watching the infantry go into close combat, but well... its lacking a certain something... a certain magic ... i remember with the older games i've played, i just could put them down... playing teh DoW campaign was almost a chore by the end of it, and the ending was a real let down... as was the lack of an eldar, chaos, or ork campaign.
well i'm done moaning about the game that wasted £30 ...
i really wish they'd hurry up and release the editor's edition of UT2004 n england, or whateever its called... i mean 200 more maps then the 1st version sounds good to me

plus i wanna have a copy of ut2004 quite a lot.
welp, um i'm rambling, so bye