Author Topic: non-Outpost related games  (Read 1601 times)

Offline Wackozoid

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non-Outpost related games
« on: October 28, 2004, 08:45:45 PM »
I am planning a game that ive been trying to design for a good two years (i started designing twice, but i lost my notes twice... most recently after the hurricanes in florida... i cant find my notes.... *sob*) it was partially inspired by Outpost 2 but really isnt related to it in anything except that its not on earth, or rather, on any planet at all. It is called StarQuest, it is an Action/Adventure RPG in space, open ended and free roaming, featuring the ability to walk around your spacecraft and spaceports on planets and in space. you control your ship and seek riches or fame. I have a rudamentry story, once i develope it a bit more i may post it, if this is the place to post anything about my game at all... eh

just wondering if its alright to post stuff about StarQuest here and maybe ask for ideas and such
