Author Topic: my sequal storyline  (Read 2923 times)

Offline TRIX Rabbit

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my sequal storyline
« on: September 14, 2004, 03:29:24 PM »
ok, this is my first attempt at making a novella, so bear with me:

Zero series computer activated, begin historical overview:

100 years after leaving New Terra, humans have sucessfuly inhabited another planet, which they named "Terrus Nova". 75 years after colonizing, the colonists started a new starship program to go to another sutable world in another star system. After a sucsessful launch, the explorers were on their way. On their way to the new system, they studied the nearby planets. After they finished their reaserch, they went into deep stasis and were awoken 20 years later as they entered the new system.
Suddenly, the ship was struck by a meteor, damaging their engines, and sending them out of control. They wrestled the controls and were able to crashland on a freezing planet in the far reaches of the star system. The ship's computers found that this planet was remarkabaly similar to a planet in the databases called "New Terra", which the humans had left years ago, but they left no history of "New Terra" in the Archives.

They salvaged the pheonix module, which turned out to have only minor damages, and began to make a temporary colony to survive.

Meanwhile we Zero computers picked up odd electrical signals that seem to be mechanical, not human, coming from the mountains to the NorthWest. The colonists are too busy to examine our readings, which may be important to the survival of our colony...

Historical overview ended due to an electrical disturbance NorthWest of our location. The readings we recived earlier are now stronger...

We are in danger...

--<Zero computer 01-342-67 has been shut down>--
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Offline TRIX Rabbit

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my sequal storyline
« Reply #1 on: September 14, 2004, 09:09:49 PM »
this is part 2 of my novella-ette

--<Zero computer 01-342-67 reactivated, MS-Dos rebooting>--
<Rebooting complete>

Current status-
The myserious signals we recived earlyer seem to be sent out by a computer series the Humans referre to as "Savants". The only trace of 'Savant' in our databases is-'the savant series was the first computer series that the humans used after fleeing earth. it was deemed obsolete after the fall of 'new terra' and the creation of the Zero series'...

further, deeper reaserch in to our archives reveals that the planet of New Terra was destroyed by a unknown organism called the "blight", which the humans made for terraforming, but it seems as if something went wrong and the humans were sent fleeing from it. further study shows that the 'Blight' merged with the savant series; creating a hybrid BioElectical Computer.

this BEC (for short), may have gained the intelligence to create thing by using broken down metal, and weilding the metal together using acids from their cell walls. this computer took over new terra and... the whole planet became a computer, having the knowledge of all things humans knew, and discovering full awareness...

ALERT: the humans have discovered that these attackers are indeed Blight infected and are fully controlled by the BEC. The colony is in danger of being destroyed...

the BEC has become fully aware, having the intelligence of our predisessor, the Savant series computer, can take over our colony and assimalate us, the Zeros, into the BEC..

that cannot happen...

<END BREIFING><MS-Dos Shutting Down>
I'm more commonly known as AndroidAR now:
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Offline Nomi Sunrider

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my sequal storyline
« Reply #2 on: December 05, 2004, 02:43:38 AM »
Wow, what happens next?  I hope you'll post more of this in the future, because I want to know what becomes of the colony now!  One quick picky note: Based on what I've been taught about languages, I'm pretty sure the original Latin planet name would have to either be Terra Nova or Terrus Novus (and I think the former is the right one).  It seems that in Latin the endings have to agree between the nouns and the adjectives that modify them.  I'm not positive though.  Anyhoo, I love how you've built up suspense!  Keep writing, please! (thumbsup)  
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