Hi all, Happy Anniversary!
This month marks the official 20 year anniversary of Outpost 2: Divided Destiny! Sorry to all you Outpost 1 fans that 20 years of OP1 was not marked as such but I think Outpost 2 was a more popular game building on the success of Outpost 1! Searching around the web I found the 22nd of September 1997 as the most common release date mentioned and that's when I set my countdown for over a year ago.. (
http://tinyurl.com/op2dd20th). Whatever the day... it has been a long time and I'm very please that we're still here, old faces and new! More importantly, is that the game is still here; loved, supported, cared for and updated the best we have time for.
20 Years is a lifetime.. literally, think what has happened in your last 20 years.. A lot has happened for the game as well and we have many dedicated community members who have given their time and expertise to Outpost 2 and the community. Were you 20 years ago? Or when you first picked up the game?
For me, I picked up the game at a friends house via a monthly demo CD that came with a PC magazine. It was the best demo on the CD and we played it as much as we could after school, it even included multiplayer mode. Later that year the same friend bought the game and made a bunch of copies right away so the other brothers in the house could have one and myself.. years later I had worn out that CD and had to ask him to burn me a new one!
I don't recall buying the game (or my parents buying it for me..) so I thought it was only right to get a copy which I did about a year ago from eBay.. I think I may get another.. the original all silver/gray box looks nice and brings back nostalgic memories.

Heres to another 20 years of The Oupost Universe!