Highlander, I did explain it within the appropriate definitions of what is expected to go with punishment in general. However, I refrained from going through the posts and citing specific examples. To do so would be an exercise in futility, as it would require balancing out which is the best example. If you'd like, I can show you the conversation so you can review it.
Fair enough CK9. No need for me to see any logs etc, I trust you guys are doing your jobs

(Still just saying, he is asking to be shown what he has done wrong and an example could potentially point him in the right direction. If he has caused as much offense as he seemingly has, showing him 1 example of his wrongdoing shouldn't take long, it doesn't have to be "the best" example)
Sirbomber, of course I didn't bother reading replies before posting (Sarcasm). Now, did you read and try to understand my point ?
What I find wrong here and what is my main point in this is, is that LoP asked for examples of his wrongdoings. So far no one has pointed him in the right direction with a specific example. If he doesn't understand why his posts are spam, how does repeatedly telling him he is spamming resolve the situation.
(As already stated with in LoP's, your own and Hidiot's first post in this thread, definition of spamming seem to vary quite a bit)
(Also, I'm sure we can come up with 5 or more pathological reasons potentially explaining LoP's lack conformity to the social norm of this place, though I think that is irrelevant)
As for me pointing out the unfriendliness of this place Sirbomber. Am I not entitled to my own opinion in this matter ? (As you seem to be entitled to your opinion?)
If you're asking me to justify my opinion, just take a look on your 2nd and 3rd post in this topic. This might of course just be me, but I don't believe flinging insults is a good way to resolve any conflict.
(Then again I'm sure you can provide examples for the case that this community is a (new person)friendly place - so let's settle at a difference of opinions ?)