Chapter 5: Crash LandingI waked up, i felt dizzy. THe hatch opened and someone checked my eyes with something very bright, it hurted my eyes.
A few minutes later i felt much better and saw most people were already awake. I looked on a monitor and saw earth...

Another man joined me and was stunned. He seemingly didnt expect it to be this worse.
We talked, we had to wait anyway because the computers were tracking the Phoenix Module.
The man was named John, he was 30 years old, and had nothing left since New Terra. He was a technician for vehicles but after the automatisation on New Terrax.
We liked each other, that was for sure. He liked to tell jokes, i liked to laugh. We seemed to be in the same group.
Someone called everyone to gather at the landing pods. John spontaniously said "Well, it seems it time to land on Earth and face Eden".
I entered something that looked like an RLV, Plymouth only had the one they stole from Eden, but it seems they somehow managed to reproduce it in a short period of time. I was lucky to sit down next to John. "It'l be a hard landing, i just heard Earth still has atmosphere and water, but almost no live anymore."
I replied "I think i can live with that" i was happy to be back anyway.
We had to fasten our seatbelts, 2 over our shoulders, on on our stomach, and then 2 from our shoulders, crossing each other and then being fastened on the chair near the sides of our body.
I almost couldnt move as we had to sit in a 'special' position.
We launched from the starship, i felt it how we entered orbit, there were no windows to look trough. After a few seconds a shockwave got trough the landing pod. It began to shake like...well something very worse.
Shockwaves hit the ship all the time. Someone shouted "Is this the meaning of a soft landing?!!!" and it got replied with "No!". I couldt see who it was as i was tied up to my chin, at least that was how it felt.
Bang! Something broke of the landing pod, or something hit it...the lights fell out.
Someone shouted from the cockpit "Its EDEN! I think theyre shooting us!"
Not short after the computer said "System failure:Taking over functions:Emergency power enabled"
Red lights began to light the room.
Another shockwave, was it really Eden that was shooting us?
Lights fell out again...and more shockwaves. The savant computer took care of the ship, nothing could go possibly go wrong.
SAVANT "Impact in 5000"
The countdown was something you could hear above all the noice.
It was a peeping noice that counted as we headed towards the surface of Earth.
Not much to go anymore.
"1800" Reverse thrusters malfunctioning.
"1700" Emergency thrusters activated.
"1400" Anti-Shockwave systems activated.
"1300" Checking systems.
The computer continues doing its work. At 500 the last shockwave got trough the ship. People began to calm. What did just happen?
Savant "Emergency parachute enabled. Estimated time to landing 1 minute.
That minute took almost a century to most people. The last shockwave was the last one. We strapped of our seatbelts, some people had to 'empty theyre stomach'. Some outside, some still in the pod.
I found John, but he looked troubled. I asked "Whats wrong?"
John answered "Dont you see it? The extraction vehicle is all wrecked up."
I looked to the pod and saw the vehicle being taken out, but there were cracks all over it, now i looked to the pod and i would've called it a close call. There was this huge crack in the side in the heatshield. We couldve been burned away in less then a second...