Hey guys, I'm in a site called The Halo RPG. As you can imagine, it's a pretty self-explanatory name - it's an online text-based RPG, built around Halo's storyline. We're a very friendly and fun community, and we're in the middle of some renovating, but our main difficulty is in our dwindling numbers. Please, go in there, have a look around, join if you like what you see. Even if you don't want to join, do us a huge favor and show it to your friends, in case they're interested.

(image is a link, here's the URL in case it doesn't work for whatever reason:
http://yappashalorpg.proboards77.com/index.cgi )
Please don't let our community roll over and die...you guys are Outpost 2 players, you know how sad it is when a community dies from lack of players.