Author Topic: First Great Battle of Outpost Holy War in Progress  (Read 8306 times)

Offline OP2Patriot

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First Great Battle of Outpost Holy War in Progress
« on: May 10, 2003, 05:06:09 PM »
Philipu2001 and his faction was the faction that determined the winner of the war. Philipu2001 asked a question to both OP3 creators. Based on the response, a large battle has begun with philipu2001 on the offensive.

Last time, there was knux and martyn vs. garrett; philipu2001, CK9, and op2hacker; Ezekel and Zircon; and xfir, Betaray, and new-er-bie on the sidelines. Xfir condemned philipu2001 for taking over the Outpost Universe Forums, and becoming the head admin. After taking over xfir's forum, philipu2001 said that if the forum was taken away from him, he would launch trainers of mass destruction.

Philipu2001 then sent an e-mail to knux and garrett. Garrett sent his reply within one day. After one week, knux hadn't sent an e-mail.

Philipu2001's faction then sided with Garret and declared war on Ezekel. Xfir and Betaray quickly joined Ezekel, while new-er-bie, tried to stop the upcoming battle between the main two factions of the Outpost Community. On May 10, 5:56 PM GMT, the battle to decide the fate of the Outpost Community, and who'd make OP3.

Philipu2001 and CK9 launched a two pronged attack at the OPC, Ezekel and Zircon quickly counter the opposing moves, and xfir then led a charge on the OUF. Philipu2001 was quick to lock all registration, and allowed no guest posting, then deleted the accounts used by xfir, Ezekel, and Zircon.

With the philipu2001 faction launching a second offensive, it seems garrett will end up making OP3. Martyn and op2hacker are unaccounted for at the moment, and it is suspected that they are hacking away at both forums. As the battle continues, I got to get back to fighting the war at the OPC. May the best spammers win!


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« Reply #1 on: May 10, 2003, 06:42:38 PM »
Woe to thou who messith with xfir's account.

Offline OP2Patriot

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« Reply #2 on: May 10, 2003, 06:53:28 PM »
Woe unto those who want to mess with my account.


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Offline new-er-bie

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« Reply #3 on: May 10, 2003, 08:09:03 PM »
I think Phil wants this forum.  :D

Ambitous kid, isn't he?

Well betaray would never be on the sidelines watching. And I would start a debate and cry about the fight for days...months...years....


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« Reply #4 on: May 10, 2003, 08:19:18 PM »
Heh.. if he ever so much as tried to oust me, you can guess what will happen to him...

There is a special user group... its called "BANNED"

Offline new-er-bie

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« Reply #5 on: May 10, 2003, 08:27:29 PM »
good one

I think thats the only 1 thats better than a newb category.

Offline OP2Patriot

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« Reply #6 on: May 11, 2003, 06:59:36 PM »
Hey, everyone else is exempt from corruption.


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« Reply #7 on: May 11, 2003, 07:46:01 PM »
Okay, anyone who tries to oust me shall face my wrath.. I know people... who know where you live... (heh heh)

Offline OP2Patriot

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« Reply #8 on: May 11, 2003, 08:30:13 PM »
Folks, he ain't bluffin' there. He also reads all the PMs.


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« Reply #9 on: May 11, 2003, 08:57:00 PM »
Folks, he ain't bluffin' there. He also reads all the PMs.

 <_< Uh.. not lately....  <_<  


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« Reply #10 on: May 11, 2003, 09:31:45 PM »
I feel violated...


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« Reply #11 on: May 11, 2003, 09:47:04 PM »
I feel violated...
(New-er-bie, you somehow got logged out)

Anywho, I don't do things like that.

Offline new-er-bie

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« Reply #12 on: May 12, 2003, 02:09:28 PM »
Yeah when I saw that it said 'guest' I figured that out.

It's either you or Phil, if it's the admins. And I felt violated about the reading of the pm's, now I feel raped!  :angry:  

Offline CK9

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« Reply #13 on: May 12, 2003, 03:07:18 PM »
So, am I against all or with philip?  I'm so confused :(  
CK9 in outpost
Iamck in runescape (yes, I still play...sometimes...)
srentiln in minecraft (I like legos, and I like computer was only a matter of time...) and youtube...
xdarkinsidex on deviantart

yup, I have too many screen names


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« Reply #14 on: May 12, 2003, 07:19:13 PM »
Yeah when I saw that it said 'guest' I figured that out.

It's either you or Phil, if it's the admins. And I felt violated about the reading of the pm's, now I feel raped!  :angry:
Actually, the normal admins can't access the MySQL portion of the AdminCP. The last time I looked at the PMs was when the forum went down (Not this last time, but when it was on Flatface).

A note as well reguarding this topic: the pms can only be read if they are not deleted, and I am not reading them.

Or should I be reading them? Are you hiding something New-er-bie? (Just joking)

By the way, clear out your Sent folder Philip.

Offline OP2Patriot

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« Reply #15 on: May 12, 2003, 07:27:35 PM »
Well, the 'corruption' that xfir is/was into is somewhat minor compared to Killer, and all I know for sure is that he has checked my PMs before, and there are some good reasons for him doing it, because of my recent image in the community. One reason may be, I was the guy who lulled Killer to "sleep" as martyn and op2hacker were hacking into the admin account. In the "war" CK9, you are on my side. I have made my assumptions based on what I currently know of the community.


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Offline new-er-bie

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« Reply #16 on: May 12, 2003, 08:23:04 PM »
With all of the intellegence Phil has, would he really be stupid enough to conspire against xfir on his own damn board? Theres e-mails, aim and all that stuff.  :rolleyes:

Yeah I have much to hide.  <_< But it's no big deal, us newbs never get any privacy.  :angry:  

Offline OP2Patriot

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« Reply #17 on: May 13, 2003, 10:29:24 AM »
Um, this note was just handed to me by the site adminstrator: philipu2001:
As part as our campaign to ensure the stability of the community, I need you to investigate new-er-bie.


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Offline CK9

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« Reply #18 on: May 13, 2003, 03:03:50 PM »
not a good idea, philip.  I'm easily bought for the right price.
CK9 in outpost
Iamck in runescape (yes, I still play...sometimes...)
srentiln in minecraft (I like legos, and I like computer was only a matter of time...) and youtube...
xdarkinsidex on deviantart

yup, I have too many screen names

Offline new-er-bie

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« Reply #19 on: May 13, 2003, 03:42:37 PM »
Phil declares war on new-er-bie?  :lol:



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« Reply #20 on: May 13, 2003, 06:43:44 PM »
Um, this note was just handed to me by the site adminstrator: philipu2001:
As part as our campaign to ensure the stability of the community, I need you to investigate new-er-bie.

Wha? I never said that!

You lie!

Offline new-er-bie

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« Reply #21 on: May 13, 2003, 07:10:53 PM »
xfir declares war on new-er-bie?  <_<  Phil declares war on new-er-bie  :P

They're double teaming me. Come on CK9 help!  :(  


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« Reply #22 on: May 13, 2003, 07:53:59 PM »
xfir declares war on new-er-bie?  <_<  Phil declares war on new-er-bie  :P

They're double teaming me. Come on CK9 help!  :(
Naw, I am on your side.

Offline OP2Patriot

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« Reply #23 on: May 13, 2003, 09:05:13 PM »
I was only kidding. I was joking about new-er-bie having things he doesn't want to talk about, but he casually mentions that he has something he does not want to talk about.


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Offline new-er-bie

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« Reply #24 on: May 13, 2003, 09:24:28 PM »
Okay well then lets double team Phil?  :lol:

Don't worry your okay.

new-er-bie was joking, and he likes to joke, if thats okay with you Phil, Mr. Admin. If we are allowed to have a sense of humor that is, without being accused! And spied on! j/k