Author Topic: OutpostHD v0.7.9 Preview #4  (Read 3975 times)

Offline leeor_net

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OutpostHD v0.7.9 Preview #4
« on: November 11, 2018, 02:25:15 PM »
Been a little over a month since my last post about progress, so thought I'd post another screenie! :D

Warehouse Report view is almost finished. Thre's a lot under the hood that changed since the last version including some workarounds to minor but annoying design flaws in the middleware powering OPHD.

I hope to finish polishing this over the next couple of days and get this new version of OPHD pushed out the door. Considering pulling the right-click windows out of the game. I like the idea of being able to make quick tweaks to an individual structure but with the addition of double-clicks bringing up the main report window and highlighting the structure double-clicked on plus the "Take Me There" buttons that make getting around the colony somewhat simpler these individual windows seem superfluous at best.

Offline Vagabond

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Re: OutpostHD v0.7.9 Preview #4
« Reply #1 on: November 12, 2018, 08:15:39 PM »
Working on a game while also seriously working on the middleware is a tough hurdle. I've been there before as well and progress seems to grinds to a halt.

The warehouse screen looks useful.

What is the factory icon supposed to be? A 3D printer?

I like the old style green text/UI. It gives it a clean retro feel.


Offline leeor_net

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Re: OutpostHD v0.7.9 Preview #4
« Reply #2 on: November 12, 2018, 09:51:44 PM »
Working on a game while also seriously working on the middleware is a tough hurdle. I've been there before as well and progress seems to grinds to a halt.

Pretty much. Though in this case I came across a usability issue with the middle ware and had to decide how to deal with it -- rebuild that part of the middleware and harden it to make it, you know, work... or find a workaround in OPHD. I found the workaround to be a lot easier, it's just a challenge to the assumptions that I was making.

What is the factory icon supposed to be? A 3D printer?

.. a box? It's literally a shipping carton with arrows on the side to indicate "This side up" as in typical shipping container fashion. :)

Offline havkyp

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Re: OutpostHD v0.7.9 Preview #4
« Reply #3 on: November 22, 2018, 09:36:54 AM »
Haven't been here in a long time due to Real LifeTM. But just wanted to drop by to say how excited I am to see that OutpostHD is still developing!
HUGE kudos and thanks to @leeor_net for all the hard work. Looks like the payoff is amazing! :D

Offline leeor_net

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Re: OutpostHD v0.7.9 Preview #4
« Reply #4 on: November 22, 2018, 11:49:42 AM »
Welcome back!

Definitely understand the Real LifeTM thing. Been bugging me just as much which is why things have slowed down a bit. Holiday rush at work has already hit so I've been working overtime in an effort to keep up the huge influx of orders. It's entirely in vain but at least I feel like I'm contributing in some positive way.

Hoping you had a chance to see the Factory UI (that you designed, btw) in action! :D It works very well and I've run with the basic theme of it for the rest of the UI panels. It's been extraordinarily helpful in allowing me to focus on the mechanics behind the interface versus worrying about the layouts themselves. Warehouse UI is mostly finished and once it's done I plan to release a new version of OPHD.

After that a minor interim release that'll provide the Mining Interface and any bug fixes/polish that crops up after v0.7.9 and then on to Research. 0.0