Author Topic: OutpostHD v0.7.6 Released!  (Read 5269 times)

Offline leeor_net

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OutpostHD v0.7.6 Released!
« on: July 05, 2018, 11:57:49 PM »
OutpostHD v0.7.6 is now officially ready for release!

Much like in v0.7.5, there are many changes in this release.

This was primarily a bug fix release (as evidenced by the lengthy list of fixes) but also includes a new Mine Operations Window (makes managing mines a lot easier), changes the mechanics of Mines which are now exhaustible, can now be dug deeper (up to the maximum dig depth of the planet) and many other changes.

Another big thing -- this release has BREAKING CHANGES in the Savegame protocol -- old save games WILL NO LONGER WORK. I know, it sucks, I'm really sorry, I tried to avoid it for as long as I could but I had to update it because of how much changed between the versions and to avoid adding too much special case code for backward compatibility.

Anyway, without further ado...

What's New
  • Added a Main Menu state which allows for starting a new game, continuing an old game or quitting (options menu slated for a future release).
  • Added the Solar Panel Array structure. This is a cheap power structure most useful in the early game that generates a small amount of power.
  • Added Mine Operations Window to allow for halting and resuming production of mines and specific ore threads within it.

What's Changed
  • Savegame protocol updated to 0.30 (from 0.25) due to breaking changes. Savegame's from older versions will no longer load.
  • Tweaked fade transitions between states.
  • Minor performance improvements regarding item sorting in the IconGrid UI panels.
  • TileMap selector has been changed from an image outline highlight to highlighting the entire tile.
  • Tweaked energy requirements for most structures to make energy requirements more realistic and something to genuinely contend with in gameplay.
  • Errors when loading savegames will now display an OS dialog box letting the user know about the issue.
  • Robots beyond the first three robots are now stored within a Robot Command Center.
  • Factories producing robots will go Idle if no Robot Command Capacity is available.
  • Mine shafts can now be extended using the new Mine Operations Window.
  • Mine ore processing can be controlled much more finely using the new Mine Operations Window.
  • Mines no longer operate indefinitely. They now have a finite amount of resources based on yield.
  • Robominer's are now single use robots. Once they finish digging the initial mine shaft they use themselves as the base to build the mine facility.
  • Exhausted mines will now be indicated on the minimap using a light grayish-blue color.
  • Placing a robodigger on a mine will now destroy the mine.
  • Robodozers can now be placed on exhausted mines that have reached their maximum digging depth.
  • Resource counts will throb red in the Resource HUD when resources are critically low.

Bugs Fixed
  • Fixed an issue in the Factory Production window which would fail to set the current production type when selecting a Factory leading to production queue being cleared when hitting the Okay button.
  • Fixed an oversight where warehouses didn't save/load any products that were stored in them.
  • Fixed an issue in loading code that would lead to a crash if loading a savegame where the SEED lander hasn't been placed yet after being in a game with a command center somewhere on the map.
  • Fixed an oversight that didn't reset all of the UI control states when switching to a new map when already in a game.
  • Fixed an issue regarding loading games in which structure states were not properly set.
  • Fixed an issue when first starting a colony that would fail to set population requirements for initial structures.
  • Fixed a mistake that allowed the user to bulldoze the landing site for a Cargo Lander.
  • Fixed an issue that caused Button's to not show their 'pressed' stated.
  • Fixed an issue that would cause a crash if the Structure Inspector Window was open and the structure it was detailing is bulldozed.
  • Fixed an issue that would cause a crash if the Factory Production Window was open if the factory being modified is bulldozed.
  • Fixed a mistake in the WarehouseInspector which would display incorrect storage values.
  • Fixed a hidden mistake which failed to call derived activation logic when a structure became active.
  • Fixed an issue that caused incorrect reporting of storage use in ProductPool (affected warehouses).
  • Fixed an issue that would leave UI windows open when interacting with the system interfaces (main menus, fileIO, etc.).

Gimme Gimme! Where do I get it?

Head over to the main thread and look for the 'Current Build' section.

Many thanks and much appreciate to those who have helped by posting suggestions and assisting with code development! Couldn't have done this without your efforts!
« Last Edit: July 06, 2018, 12:06:24 AM by leeor_net »

Offline JetMech1999

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Re: OutpostHD v0.7.6 Released!
« Reply #1 on: July 08, 2018, 08:49:44 PM »
So, if I understand this correctly, we can now control what resources are extracted from the mine based on what the colony's resource needs are?  If that's the case, I like it.  That way I won't have piles of resources I don't really need a lot of, and can concentrate on getting what I do need.

Single-use robominers.....gonna take some getting used to.  I get the reason behind it, just going to have to step up my miner production, but that's cool.  So with them as the base, does that mean that when we want to drop down a level, we just click the button and down she goes?

Not going to be in a position to download the new version for a couple of weeks, but looking forward to seeing the new functionality.

Offline Hooman

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Re: OutpostHD v0.7.6 Released!
« Reply #2 on: July 10, 2018, 04:49:38 AM »
Very good news. I'm pleased to see the continued progress.

Curious if you've been using code analysis tools to find any of these bugs. Some tools can scan for things like use after free, lack of null checks, or null checks after something has already been dereferenced.

Offline leeor_net

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Re: OutpostHD v0.7.6 Released!
« Reply #3 on: July 12, 2018, 12:02:16 PM »
I've been using PVS-Studio as a static code analyzer as well as Visual Studio's built-in analyzer. Many of the bugs wouldn't be caught by a static analyzer because they would have no way of knowing whether a pointer was properly initialized -- the best they'd be able to do is determine if I'm checking that the pointer is valid before use which it would be but would become a dangling pointer if the object pointed to was suddenly freed. Most of them I discovered by considering what would happen if I tried to do things differently than I would expect... e.g., why would someone demolish a building if they're still inspecting it? But, it happened when I was doing some debugging and neglected to close a window. Whoops.

So, if I understand this correctly, we can now control what resources are extracted from the mine based on what the colony's resource needs are?

Exactly. In the Mine Operations Window there are four toggle buttons (will eventually change to check boxes) -- when they are toggled (down), that resource will be mined. If it's not toggled, the resource will be ignored (can be turned on and off at will).

Single-use robominers.....gonna take some getting used to.  I get the reason behind it, just going to have to step up my miner production, but that's cool.  So with them as the base, does that mean that when we want to drop down a level, we just click the button and down she goes?

Right. I wanted to make it a bit more challenging so much like Outpost 2, the Robominer becomes the facility. To extend a mine shaft, you click the Dig New Level button -- the mine will become inactive for 10 turns while the new shaft is dug out. The down-time is entirely debateable, I just picked an arbitrary number that felt challenging without being ridiculous.

Offline JetMech1999

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Re: OutpostHD v0.7.6 Released!
« Reply #4 on: August 24, 2018, 10:40:36 AM »
Ok, so I finally got the latest release in and in play.  I like what I'm seeing.  Realistic mine lifespans, better control of resources, etc.  The only issue I've got right now is that I will get "Invalid Structure Placement" audio when I'm placing something (residences, other UG structures, and Comm Towers, mostly) in areas where they are clearly able to be put.  Sometimes I will get the audio, other times not.  I am still getting used to the audio when I try to place a dozer to clear a spot for a Comm Tower too far from the previous tower location.  Hard to describe the sound.  Kind of a combination of a hiccup and a sneeze that is being kept in.  :).  It's amusing, and gets your attention.  Certainly better than a buzzer sound.  I really like the new surface structures now that I see them implemented.  It took me a while to notice the pulsing icons at the top during the beginning turns, but I've got to say that I like it.  Much better than a banner that pops up to say that something is wrong.  Makes you look around for data.  And once you've reached a usable level it goes white and stops pulsing.  Very well played on that one.  I still had some buildings go inactive at one point, but I'm guessing that it's because of a lack of personnel.  I only have 140 people right now and 30 of those are kids.  How soon before the research trees will be ready for implementation?  I'm very much looking forward to having useful laboratories.  Haven't had any issues other than what I've already described.

Offline leeor_net

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Re: OutpostHD v0.7.6 Released!
« Reply #5 on: August 24, 2018, 06:12:51 PM »
You mention that you should definitely be able to place a structure... are you absolutely sure? Because structures (save for a very select few) require tube connections. There _is_ a minor sort of annoyance issue where you can bulldoze a bunch of area and as you place tubes the 'connection' won't be made until a turn passes. I do intend to correct this at some point in the very near future, probably with the next release with the UI overhaul.

After 0.7.9 I'll start working on the 0.8.X branch which is where I'll start making research a thing.

Structures going idle could be due to personnel issues but could also be a case of factories/commerce structures going idle due to insufficient storage for products. 0.7.6 does include product storage requirements so you may need more warehouses. UI overhaul release will include more feedback in terms of staffing issues.

Thanks for your feedback! Helps me know where to focus my efforts.

Offline JetMech1999

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Re: OutpostHD v0.7.6 Released!
« Reply #6 on: August 25, 2018, 07:13:04 AM »
Yeah, I would understand if I was trying to put a factory or a residence onto a spot without a tube, but most of the time it's been happening when I'm trying to set down a Communications Tower, which is able to be placed anywhere within the range of the previously-placed Tower or Colony.  I'll try using your suggestion of letting a turn go by and see how that works, until the fix is put in.  Still everything is looking good for where they are in the process.

I do have a suggestion for the main menu.  Use the new OPHD flash screen as the background until something better comes along.  Putting the menu over the original works, but it's using the older buildings, and looks dated.  The new flash screen is clean, sharp, and classy. I realize that I'm not going to be sitting on the Main Menu page for long, so it really shouldn't matter.  Like I said, just a suggestion.

Offline leeor_net

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Re: OutpostHD v0.7.6 Released!
« Reply #7 on: August 25, 2018, 10:29:24 AM »
I want to replace it with a hand-drawn version, something interesting that I can commission from DeviantArt or if White Claw comes up with something new, that would also work.

Comm towers need to be full constructed before anything else can be placed and tube connections need to be in place for any non self-contained structure. If you can provide a save file where this is occurring it would be very helpful.

Offline JetMech1999

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Re: OutpostHD v0.7.6 Released!
« Reply #8 on: August 28, 2018, 05:25:13 PM »
I'll see what I can do.