Thanks for giving it a go and giving me some feedback. Responses:
The problem that I've found with creating a tutorial for a very complex text adventure, is how do you "Show" rather than "Tell". A tutorial is meant to reduce the complexity of a game and aid the user in understanding its depth. But, unlike most games, where a tutorial has Audio and Visual queues, it is impossible to "Show" without "Telling". So, how do I explain to a player how the game works, what are the rules of the game, and what are a player's options, without a massive text dump? This is the 2nd iteration of the tutorial, and I did manage to greatly reduce the massive text dump of the 1st iteration, but the issue I'm running into is that there is too much complexity in the game and I need a way to teach players that complexity, but avoid text dumps. But, text dumps appears to be the only way to teach someone. Thoughts?
Well, I do the double prompt for the Tutorial because some people don't like Tutorials and prefer to learn as they go. So I give players the option to skip the tutorial or not. And as for your experience of the tutorial, many players currently might want to skip it.
Good point on the second yes/no prompt. I'll move it below the explanatory text.
Okay, I'll bold the message with it stating you are Darak, the Quickling, to help it stick out. That should do the trick, I hope.
I do it in sections because I wanted a modular tutorial. Some people will feel that they don't really want to know most stuff, and skip to a later section, like Melee Playstyle. I didn't want to force the user to do the whole tutorial if they didn't want to. Some players learn at different rates and figured I'd allow a player to decide how much of the tutorial they wished to do. I do get that, one would prefer a single continuous tutorial, I just don't currently know how to build one that isn't a chore to go through... ie the first iteration of the tutorial. I even dreaded going through the 1st iteration of the tutorial.
Aside = ... Interesting... a Help System... maybe I'll redesign the tutorial and move the 2nd iteration of the tutorial into the "help" command. Though that'll mean I need a new tutorial... then again, I need a new one anyways, based on feedback.
I'll look into if its possible to turn the things in the parentheses into commands, so that they can be clickable. Won't work for everything; I tried to build that into the recast and reattack system, and it borked the logic, so it definitely won't work there. But, it might work better elsewhere...
Interesting. On my screen, I can see all active buffs, lesser debuffs and greater debuffs, while doing the tutorial. However, I have my game full-screened, and did notice that by having it not at full-screened that I also can't see all my buffs. Unfortunately, I'm unsure of how to build a scroll bar into the custom built panels yet... if it is possible at all to begin with.
Well, the way the tutorial currently works, is that you pick a section and then it moves onto the next section and such forth until the tutorial is done. It allows entering the tutorial at any section and completing it from where you started at. As a result, the tutorial can be completed fast, if you choose "Conclusion".
Good point on the summarizing. I knew I forgot something.
Game is finicky like that. It is a function GetInput, and then a Switch statement and if you provide any input that isn't valid, then, it performs the "Default" portion. If there is no Default, then nothing happens, like a typical switch statement. However, I will add a default code branch and a possible "exit" type command, to get out of the tutorial, without doing it... or just direct the player to type "Conclusion" as it quickly exits the tutorial if you do.
That is completely logical and working as intended. Remember, you start off as a Quickling; these are designed for the Stealthy Playstyle (backstab/pickpocket), and you were trying to do the Melee Playstyle (strike/overpower). If you backstab a foe with a Shortsword, you would deal x8 damage (base value is 32 damage). As a quickling your starter gear is also a Buckler (0 Protection), a Shortsword (4 Damage) and Leather Armor (2 Protection). So, if you wanted to do a Melee Playstyle, you could as a quickling, but it would take a while of grinding attributes to get there and likely a gear change as well. ... IF you had chosen "Conclusion" it would have taken you to Character Creation and let you choose a different race, than a Quickling. Appears I need to be more clear with things. More... Work work work. >.>
EDIT: Released Hotfix 1 for V9 of CoC.
Converted the 2nd iteration of the Tutorial into the Help Command. Created a quick, 5 bullet point, 3rd iteration of the Tutorial; maybe too quick, we shall see. And modified character creation for new players to make racial choice clearer.
Give it a whirl and tell me what you think.