Hey everyone,
Where do we plan on putting new maps, tech trees, and scenarios that make it into V1.3.7?
I know we have split the maps & new tech trees into 5 different volumes (.VOL) files now. Below is their basic content. Things seem to be loosely organized. I don't know if there is a deciding factor on what ends up in each vol file.
Based on the lack of content in map02.vol, I think we could put new maps and tech trees in there.
Is it best to just place new scenario DLLs in the root Outpost 2 directory?
maps.vol - Contains Tileset wells, eden04.map, op2_art.prt, virmask.raw, and tutorial.map
maps01.vol - Colony maps, Eden campaign maps, Plymouth campaign maps, and demo tech trees, and one multiplayer map
maps02.vol - Contains 5 multiplayer geared maps.
maps03.vol - Contains a lot of multiplayer maps and the survival tech trees
maps04.vol - reserved for Greenworld tileset and associated maps
sheets.vol - Contains Eden campaign tech tree, plymouth campaign tech tree, a tutorial tech tree, and the Dynamix multiplayer tech tree.