Perhaps we don't want to hear this here, but what about making this real time instead of turn based?
This way, the trucks would simply start driving and would take the time to travel. And that is that. Are we trying to recreate the original exactly (or nearly) or build a new game largely the same as the original?
Always happy to discuss any ideas that come through!
I had considered real-time but if I went this route it would probably work more like Outpost 2 where ticks or turns happen automatically after a period of time.
While this isn't intended to be a direct clone of OP1, it is based on it and an important part of the gameplay core mechanics was that of being able to take your time between turns. Kind of like Civilization and other similar turn based games. So doable? Yes, definitely, but it doesn't really 'feel' like Outpost then.
If we're going to maintain turn based, then to prevent the 'magic' of the original, I would like to see a truck on the screen and if I click it, its highlighted path and suggested count of completed cycles a turn. Any fractional movement would be added to set his 'location' for the next round.
This makes sense though I'm still somewhat undecided on the transport model for the game. Do trucks make several transits per turn as a turn is basically considered a month or does it really take one to three months to traverse a tile?
The general idea proposed was that a route is calculated based on 1) the number of tiles in it and 2) the difficulty of the terrain involved in the route. This would give us a result that we can then use to determine route traversal time.
With this, trucks would end up with much, much smaller amounts of ore being transported vs the 100 units that I'm simulating now. Perhaps one or two units per trip. If a truck could make 50 trips in a turn on a given route, that would mean that a single truck could transport between 25 and 50 units of ore from the mine to the smelter. Which makes a lot of sense. On the other hand, if a smelter and mine are right next to eachother, that truck could make that many more trips.
It's all a numbers game and is one that would need to be played with kind of like what I did with the population though this time it's somewhat more straight forward.
As far as highlighted routes, I completely agree. The idea here is that if you click on a mine, the truck routes will be highlighted from the mine. Generally I would expect each mine to have one route. From here the player can increase or decrease the number of trucks available on a given route. The general thought here is that each mine starts with one truck. I haven't decided yet if I'm going to have trucks built in factories like in the original game or if I'm going to have mines have the facilities to construct their own trucks. I'm leaning toward factories.
As for the material amounts carried, maybe I am over simplifying, but perhaps we could reduce the count of materials being sent back and forth etc. Maybe something much more straight forward like PlanetBase's version of resource management. Like 3 per turn. Larger trucks can move 5.
Touched on above.
Of a single material.
And why not just common/rare materials, should there be so many types? I like the idea of those being refined into the other materials.
Not sure what you mean? I've already reduced it to Common and rare Metals/Minerals. All of the other 'resources' are produced and transported internally in the colony. E.g., power and food and such which all require certain amounts of the refined materials.
This is a significant reduction from the 16 or so resources from the original game. Not sure if I've misunderstood something.