Hey Everyone,
I sat down today and wrote up a quick Syntax highlighting script for Outpost 2 Tech Files in Notepad++.
UDLs (User Defined Languages) are defined in an XML format and provide syntax highlighting for files loaded into Notepad++. Attached is the Outpost 2 Tech File which provides the definitions required.
To use it, download the file. Then open Notepad++ and navigate through Language -> Define your Language... -> Import...
Since many files use the .txt extension, when loading a Tech File into Notepad++, you will have to go back to the Language Tab and select the Outpost 2 Tech File whenever loading a new file into Notepad++.
I think this will provide decent syntax highlighting, but it may not be 100% accurate due to my limited understanding of the tech file format. For example, I don't know if comments must start on a new line, or if they can exist after a statement. However, it should help a lot with preventing misspelled keywords. It isn't difficult to update from within Notepad++. If there is interest in it being more robust, I would be willing to help out.
UPDATE: The syntax highlighter now lives in the repository here:
https://svn.outpostuniverse.org:8443/!/#outpost2/view/head/LevelsAndMods/trunk/DevTools/TechFileSyntaxHighlighting.Example of file loaded into Notepad++:
EDIT1: Added a readme file attachment.
EDIT2: Updated attached readme and added REPO link.