thank you for reviewing.
Good point on the I1 for the bottom row of cell types. The Mapmaker enforces this rule, but someone could try changing it programmatically. I added it to the checklist.
Does anyone know what happens if you set a celltype to something other than I1 on the bottom row? I programmatically changed a cell using GameMap::SetCellType(LOCATION(10 + X_, 128 + Y_), CellTypes::cellFastPassible1); on a 128x128 tile map. The scenario initialized fine and I was able to save/load it without issue.
What about adding a section called Official Publishing Requirements and moving the following items to it? I also reworded the items below to read better.
Official Publishing Requirements
In addition to the items described above, the following must be met before a new scenario is included in the official Outpost 2 release.
* Program Crashing Bugs: No game crashing bugs may be present in scenario.
* Scenario Bugs: There should be no bugs in the scenario.
* if the scenario exposes a bug caused by the SDK or Outpost 2 itself, ensure the bug is documented in the wiki maps section or the scenario’s main forum post. Try to mitigate the bug as best possible.
* Content Age Suitability: The mission briefings and backstory contain content that most people would find suitable for a 13 year old.
I'm not sure about separating everything out for a non-stock scenario. To me, it makes more since to leave them within their other perspective categories. It seems rare that someone produces a vanilla stock scenario. The new section would become a hodgepodge of items that apply to either single or multiplayer scenarios.