Author Topic: Hello: Interested In Outpost 1 And Modding  (Read 2794 times)

Offline Indigo Jones

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Hello: Interested In Outpost 1 And Modding
« on: May 22, 2013, 03:50:47 AM »
Hello, I am a fan of Outpost 1.  I especially like it's hard science based approach and the city/urban planning (city-building) aspect approach that the game has.

It reminds me of some other favourite games such as Fragile Allegiance and Dwarf Fortress.

I would like to know if there are any mods for it or modding guides for the game out there?  I think that a lot of very exciting stuff could be done off the foundation that the game has set.

Offline Hooman

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Hello: Interested In Outpost 1 And Modding
« Reply #1 on: May 24, 2013, 08:29:31 PM »
I'm not aware of any mods for Outpost 1. I think part of that is Outpost 1 is 16-bit, which makes writing code for it a bit more difficult, and also causes some compatibility issues around the game. Most of the modding effort here went into Outpost 2.

There have been some Outpost 1 rewrite attempts though. None have been finished to date.

Offline Indigo Jones

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Hello: Interested In Outpost 1 And Modding
« Reply #2 on: June 18, 2013, 03:51:30 PM »
Thanks Hooman, thats good to know.  I dont know if I am up for modding in 16 bit but then again there is always a first time for anything.  I just have no idea how to get started.  Any ideas?

Offline Hooman

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Hello: Interested In Outpost 1 And Modding
« Reply #3 on: June 20, 2013, 11:49:20 PM »
If you really want to mod, you'll probably want to learn how to use a debugger. I believe I once used Borland Turbo Debugger back in the day for some 16-bit stuff, and found it to be quite good. I vaguely remember it working similar to how OllyDbg works (which is a 32-bit debugger I've used with Outpost 2 stuff). You'd need to know assembly though, and it would probably take you a rather long time to get a foothold on even something simple.

If you do play around with it, and feel a bit lost, and looking up assembly opcodes isn't getting you very far, maybe trying reading about the C ABI (Application Binary Interface). You can google for it (but remember it's platform specific, and sometimes a bit compiler specific too), and it will describe things like calling conventions, and generally give you a better sense of how C code would translate into assembly code. That, along with knowing a handful of opcodes would help you make sense of function call sequences. Once you get a feel for that, you might be able to start figuring out what a few simple functions do.

Working on a rewrite is probably a bit easier, but still a rather large task. It's also a bit more open ended, so it can be hard to know what to do if you don't have a plan.

Either way, you're bound to learn something by just making an attempt.