Author Topic: Plymouth Starship1 Hard  (Read 2900 times)

Offline friction

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Plymouth Starship1 Hard
« on: March 25, 2012, 09:41:16 PM »
hey guys, after hours spent into this crazy colony game on hard mode i was finaly able to pass it. this map really is something else. the colony builders on hard for eden are nothing compared to this one. the amount of tigers that eden sends towards the end is just unreal, they just keep coming.

I noticed that as eden I can literaly mix any combination of thors and EMPS. this was easily enough to fend anything off that plymouth threw on me on the hard mode eden population or starship. Anyone here got any tips on what a good combination of tigers would be for plymouth?

I had 4 dedicated starports for EMPS and that really helped a lot. I was still having a lot of trouble getting a good composition of units though.

In the end i had my evacuation transport ready to go right as the next wave came. since i knew i won i decided i slack just a tiny bit. by not giving it my all, the eden army just marched through my field of tigers, i just said screw this map and launched my colony rocket.

if anyone wants to know my strategy if was pretty simple.

I started out by what i think is a good start, standard lab, 2 residences, nursery , university. and a medical center

my strategy involved making a swarm of lynx microwaves.
once i had built 3 common ore smelters and 2 vehicle factories i shut down my structure factory and started making non stop microwaves.
i first upgraded all the possible upgrades for lynx microwaves
then the entire time i made sure to keep researching to tigers.
my defense really consisted of a field of pure lynx microwaves.
i added another 2 common ore smelters to the common ore bar at the top right near the lava, this allowed me to add an extra vehicle factory. the whole time this was being done i was using an earth worker to lay down the pipework ready to service my base transformation into rare ore mining and starports, i was basicly done with tigers and made some lynx ESG's while i finished up the research. I timed it just right because the computer's armies were starting to have less and less lynxs.

This was actualy my strategy for eden population as well, except it was FAR easier.

The Starship eden and starship 2 plymouth were very easy because you can just rush one of their bases, though i used the same strategy above to hold the rare ore bar in the middle of eden starship.

Please let me know your guy's strategy for unit composition, next for me is plymouth population, wish me luck.

Offline Highlander

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Plymouth Starship1 Hard
« Reply #1 on: March 26, 2012, 05:12:01 AM »
I usually go with ESG/EMP combo. 1/3 EMP, rest as ESGs.
If you are using missiles it might be a good idea to have some novas around for some extra demolition.
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Offline friction

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Plymouth Starship1 Hard
« Reply #2 on: April 02, 2012, 05:50:48 PM »
i never thought about that... thanks :D