Author Topic: Javascript Question This Time  (Read 13185 times)

Offline CK9

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Javascript Question This Time
« Reply #25 on: March 09, 2012, 11:31:55 AM »
The top links I *might* eventually make buttons for.  At the very least, I'll surround them in brackets to make them less...plain texty...yea...that's a word now...

I'm thinking I might force visited links not to change color with CSS.  Or do you think a different color would be a better idea?

In some ways, I think letting everyone choose a skin to use was a mistake.  Some of them seem to re-arrange a few things.  Although, I like the Red Alert skin more than the default, lol
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Offline Hooman

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Javascript Question This Time
« Reply #26 on: March 10, 2012, 01:59:59 AM »
I think there's nothing wrong with plain text links. I do like some indication they are links though. The standard underlining seems to work well for me, although some people consider that ugly. If the underlines are removed, I generally like the links to be bigger, and to have a mouse-over effect to highlight them.

I have a similar opinion on link colors too. I sometimes find it useful to keep track of where I've been. But again, some people find it looks ugly after the user has visited a few random links, and so the links on the page are now a random mess of two different colors. For a few well traversed links, I think it's fine to have no distinction. Something like main navigation elements when there are a small number of main sections, or users are likely to be very familiar with all pages. For something that links to hundreds of different articles though, it's nice to know which ones you've read. I do feel some attention needs to be given to both link colors though. You do want reasonable contrast with the background color or image for both visited and non-visited links. It can be easy for a web designer to forget about one of the two.

Offline CK9

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Javascript Question This Time
« Reply #27 on: March 10, 2012, 02:19:45 PM »
It is especially easy for me to not realize the contrast problems because I usually have my display's gamma levels a little higher than default.

I've been looking into the css float and have found something I find interesting.  it's an example of how to use float to accomplish the same thing I did with tables.  If it's more eficient than the table system, I might be spending tim re-making my navigation system.
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Offline Hooman

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Javascript Question This Time
« Reply #28 on: March 11, 2012, 02:54:23 PM »
Yes, I try to avoid tables, but I find there are limits to what works well with CSS. If you want to align things both vertically and horizontally, I find tables work better. Otherwise, CSS seems quite adequate at aligning things in one of the two dimensions.

Mind you, if you want to align something in both dimensions that isn't inherently table like, you probably need to stop and consider the design a bit. A lot of time people seem to want to align things nicely into tables, without really having good reason to do so.

As for navigation, I often used un-ordered lists of anchors. You can use CSS to change them between vertical and horizontal lists too.

Offline CK9

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Javascript Question This Time
« Reply #29 on: March 11, 2012, 08:12:33 PM »
My main concern that leads me to using tables is the effect different sized monitors have on the page.  I've had some instances where the formatting went fubar and was fixed by using tables with defined width setings.
CK9 in outpost
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