First off i'd like to note this topic may be used as a reference to those who don't understand what necroing is, why we have this rule, and questionings about it's existence. Also why we want it / dont(?).
Ok so, there has been an awful lot of necroing recently, even i did some necroing in my time (without understanding of course). Though this rule has been breeched time and again by a select few (NO NAMES thank you), we are at this topic today to discuss why the necroling rule exists.
What is the importance of closing a 4 month old topic even if sombody has somthing valid to say to it which could bring it to life. Don't we want activity to florish and not be deminished to a hault by this rule of necroling?
Why is necroling so bad? Is there such a thing as good necroling where the person necroling has legit comment/questions partaining to the general topic?
Is this rule too strict? Should we only apply it when it's off topic? What if it's on topic but it's still necroling, then what? Why is that bad? How is that good?
Maybe a compromise is in need so we can reply to old topics AS LONG AS ITS NOT SPAM.
Could sombody please help me and others to come answer these questions?
Thanks, and if there are any other questions please feel free to ask.