How exactly does turning your lights off help? In what way? Because it sure doesn't stop them from attacking anything that is close enough, or that enters a guarded area.
I finally managed to win this stupid map, without ever turning any lights off. I probably got lucky, though.
I managed to capture a considerable amount of panthers from the top-left mining route, which had a lot of EMP panthers in it (yay luck!) and then I proceeded through the top-most entrance to their base. Big fight ensues and I enter a dangerous phase, where I choose to blow the tokamak nearby for no real reason, as AI units get EMPed by severe tokamak EMP for about as much as normal EMP lasts. I managed to fend off and sent the uber supernova panther to one of their CCs.
Because of the casualties suffered, reinforcements had arrived and were already on their way. I blow some more GPs and blow the second CC. blowing more GPs to get to the advanced labs, simply EMPing one of the rail GPs for the top-most lab, for my evac transport to move in (not enough room to do much else, because of a Thor GP close-by). Then I gathered everything back at my entry point at close to mark 400.
Stole the wreckage and surprise! The panthers on the mining routes simply stop (more yay luck).
Managed to safely send my essential vehicles back to the starting area. The map was essentially won, so I tried to fend off the 3-garage worth of Eden payback. To my surprise, I won that fight too.
Remaining army: 2 EMP lynx (one in bad shape), 1ESG lynx, 3 RPG Panther, 2ESG panther (one at half HP), 1RPG Tiger and 1 EMP Tiger. All of them, unless specified in decent shape.
Ok, I think I stumbled upon a bug here. Mainly those panthers on the mining route that simply stopped where they were.
Because I wanted to have my revenge on Eden on this map, I decided to go for total wipe-out. So, I sent my ESG lynx to wear down the remaining idle enemy panthers. To my surprise, they wouldn't go after my ESG unless I attacked two of them at the same time, or after a lot of shots. They would not even chase the lynx very far before returning to their group.
Still, this map is made of pure annoyance.