Well ok, i just got the bad news. Someone tryed a basic RTS on Gmod already... It's not the fact someone has already made one, it's the fact is is extremely laggy. So i guess Gmod RTSing might be out... Ill look into optomiseing and the code, i think they just failed at codeing so it's bad lag. The idea of a MMO RPG thing just popped into my mind... Anyone??

Yes, yes, yes. I know im double posting.
-New Idea!
A spaceship building simulator. I found a old game, Space Station Manager. It's a lua game and it has allowances for modding. Createing Starships anyone? Or some kind of space war, set in the Op2 universe? Oh dear... The notebook is gonna be back... Ill post some uploads of it when im done. tongue.gif You can know why i hate paper.
Edit by BlackBox: Admitting that you're breaking the rules about double posting doesn't excuse it. Posts merged.